Elucidating The Symptoms Of Different Kinds Of Epileptic Seizures

In which part of the brain the seizures actually occurs affects the symptoms of epilepsy and also specifies the kind of seizure experience. In case of a simple and partial seizure, symptoms and mostly sensory, motor and psychic. Psychic seizures or concerning with the states of consciousness. However, the consciousness remains intact and there is no disturbance or impairment of the consciousness. The patient is consciously aware of what he is doing and what is going on around him.

The patient may also experience autonomic seizures in which there might be involvement of some kind of activity which is actually governed by the autonomic nervous system. Causal factors are mostly stereotypical for many patients. But there can be found a broad range of potential symptoms and signs. Motor symptoms are speech arrest, vocalization problems. The patient turns his head to the same side as he moves his eyes, postures the limbs asymmetrically. There can also be an alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles of his body. The sensory symptoms include lightheadedness, a feeling of dizziness, sharing some sort of humming, hissing or buzzing noises and sounds. They might receive flashes of light or abrupt colors. Illusion and hallucinations are also common. The patient might experience displeasing tastes and odors also.

Autonomic symptoms of the patient might include tachycardia or rapid beating of the heart, piloerection experiencing goosebumps, accidental flushing, nausea, incontinence, vomiting, sweating, pupillary dilation or even borborygmi that is a kind of rumbling noise, produced when gas forms in the intestine. There are medications which are prescribed in case of a mild seizure but in case there is a severe condition, the patients might be asked to go for a surgery. In epileptic surgery, the portions of those brain areas are removed which are involved in causing the seizure. Epileptic surgery cost in India depends upon the complications of the patient’s symptoms as well as which brain area needs to be operated. Psychic symptoms of the patient incorporate distortion of the perception of time, detachment from reality, depersonalization. The patient might reside in a dreamy state most of the time. He might experience displeasure or pleasure, elation, depression, eroticism, anger, fear- all examples of unprovoked emotion.

Memory distortions like flashbacks of any significant or insignificant incidence of the past which might provoke father emotions and trigger other reactions. He might have a feeling of déjà vu i.e. something has already happened before and he is just re-experiencing it. Deja entendu or a state that what he is hearing, he might have heard it before. Jamais vu includes the state of the effect that one has never seen or experienced what he is experiencing at that moment. Jamais extend or the patient might feel that he has never heard of something which is actually familiar to him. He might also have a panoramic vision or a rapid recollection of the past experiences or events.

Epilepsy falls under the category of related disorders where the brains electrical organizational is disrupted. This disruption causes the recurrent seizures.

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