The Daily Vanguard

What To Expect From Massage Therapy

Attending your first massage therapy treatment session can be intimidating. You don’t know what questions might be asked of you or how any pains you are experiencing might be treated. So, we want to make your experience more comfortable by sharing here what you can expect from your first session of massage therapy with Achieve Health.

Filling Out Paperwork and Discussing Payment

We suggest that you arrive at our clinic about ten to fifteen minutes early so you can get a chance to complete required paperwork without feeling rushed. We will ask about your reasons for attending and your medical history. We can also discuss how you will pay for the session, and you’ll have a chance to get any questions answered about treatment and billing.

Learning About Your Medical History and Assessing You

Your medical history may not seem relevant to your current reason for receiving massage therapy treatment, but we assure you that all information you provide to us about your past and present health can make a difference in how you are treated. You may have a past health condition that limits how we treat you now, for instance. It’s for your benefit that you do not hold back on sharing your medical history.

We will also assess your current health condition. We want to become informed of any pains you may be experiencing and what has brought them on. Massage therapy is supposed to not only help you feel better, but also improve your wellbeing in the long run.

Hands-on Treatment

The first session of massage therapy you come to us for will include less hands-on treatment than usual because we want to find out the best way to treat you. If you are coming to us after a car accident or an injury or you have a long-term condition, the time it takes to complete examination will be more in-depth, too.

Once we have completed examination, we will make sure that the physical environment for treatment is comfortable for you. As massage does require that the back and other areas that will be treated be exposed, we will make sure that you are covered everywhere else by a sheet. In the first session, the massage therapist may start with a slow, less intense pace than they could to find what your comfort level is and what you are comfortable with.

Our massage therapy in Victoria can make the whole experience comfortable for you–don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.