The Daily Vanguard

Simple Winter Face Care Tips For Dry And Oily Skin

Winters come with chills and cold and a lot more when it comes to the skin. Many skin conditions arise during winter seasons. Be it dry skin, flaky skin or patches, expect them during winter. This is primarily due to the changing environmental conditions. However, maintenance of a healthy skin or prevention of the worsening skin is possible. This comes with the commitment to follow a skin care routine, formulated to suit the prevailing winter conditions. Additionally, you should choose high-quality products for use to ensure that the skin care routine results are achieved.

When planning for skincare for dry skin in winter, you should be flexible to adopt any routine that will fit your skin. Cold and chilly conditions may demand a lot of skin care. Some of the face care tips for a dry and oily skin during the winter are highlighted below.

1. Exfoliation

Summer may have been fun with lots of sand bathing and sun exposure. However, you may not realize that you expose the skin to severely hot conditions. This will result in increased rate of cells death. Normally, dead cells of the skin are eliminated by the skin. However, after such long sun exposure during the summer or with advancing age, the cell turnover decreases. Exfoliation, therefore, becomes necessary. The face is certainly the most affected part of the body. Exfoliation removes all the dead cells in the upper skin layer. However, this may cause injury to the new underdeveloped cells destined to replace the dead removed cells. Therefore, ensure that you find suitable exfoliation products for this procedure.

2. Moisturize

Moisturizing is the other skincare for dry skin in winter. Winter is frequented by cold and dry winds. This evaporates your dry facial skin leaving it dry and flaky. This makes it moisturizing a necessary activity. In the market, there are various moisturizing agents. This may make it daunting when hunting for the best agent. Therefore, ensure that you consult and research widely before making a choice. This will guide you to finding a better moisturizing and overally hydrating skin agent for your skin.

3. Use Of Sunscreen

Many people despise the need for a sunscreen during winter. However, they forget that sun rays also appear during winter. Interestingly, the intensity of sun rays received during winter doesn’t differ from the summer sunshine rays. Therefore, expect some dry skin effects if you stop using a sunscreen during winter. With this said, include a sunscreen in your skin care routine regardless of the season. This will provide a protective coat from the low period UV rays received during the winter. For better results, incorporate a sunscreen with an SPF value of more than 30. This will ascertain protective results.

4. Avoid Hot Water

Using hot water to bath or washing the face may sound opulence during such a cold season. However, this can be damaging to your skin. Using hot water to wash your face may drain a lot of moisture. This results in dry skin. Flaky appearance is also bound to occur. You should, therefore, consider using lukewarm water as facial wash during the winter. Additionally, avoid washing the face for a lengthy period. If possible, use a cloth to wipe out the face. This will prevent excessive moisture and the resultant dry effect.

5. Drink Plenty Of Water And Maintain a Balanced Diet

Water plays a crucial role in several body systems. The skin is not left behind. Drinking up to eight glasses of water daily can contribute to better skin health. Additionally, taking a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins, minerals and essential oils guarantee a smooth and soft skin. Therefore, you should consider taking enough water and a balanced diet to supplement the body with these essential requirements for healthy skin.

6. Face Packs

Facial winter skin care demands the use of facial packs. There are several packs you can make using homemade and chemical products. Among the homemade facial packs include avocado, coconut oils, and honey packs. This will lock in a lot of moisture that could be lost from the skin. Other ingredients for making facial masks include yogurt, olive, jojoba oils, almond oil, bananas, and aloe. Facial moisture is commonly lost at night. Using the facial masks especially during the night will, therefore, provide tremendous benefits.


Maintaining a healthy skin especially during the winter can be a daunting task. With the specific skin care routines that need to be observed and other factors, winter skin care for dry and oily skins may be challenging. However, there are tricks that can enable you to maneuver this daunting task. With some highlighted above, consider observing them. Others include avoiding fried foods, avoiding damp makeups and change of cleansers.