The Daily Vanguard

Juices For Weight Loss

As we all know that the weight loss is all about eating healthy foods, and juices are the best source of nutrition. If you are really serious about adopting weight loss routine, you should never avoid the important of juices. All type of juices can help you in losing weight but there are certain juices which are really more effective than others type of juices in weight loss.

Juices play an important role in keeping the body healthy. It is a great source of nutrients and also help in stimulating the fat burning process of the body, flushing out toxins and help in reducing cravings.

The main reason behind people give up on their diets is that they have strong craving for their favourite foods and large portions. This creates problem for them to follow the diet plan. The reason for this is that the body get nutrients in less from their weight loss plan. Juices can solve this problem by providing the nutrients to the body. The juicing recipes for weight loss include more vegetables and less fruits. Fruits have high sugar content and you must take it less without any second thought. 5-HTP is proven to aid weight loss

Brussels sprouts are having very low calories. You can take juice of Brussels as it would have about 38 calories in a single glass. They are fully loaded with fibre, vitamins, folic acid and potassium.

Try watercress juices. This plant has properties of strong anti-cancerous. It can also neutralize toxins. It also helps in cleaning the skin, stimulates fat burning and improves blood circulation.

Carrots clean the liver and stimulate the design. It is a best source of beta-carotene which enhances the immune system and also decreases the cancers risk. Carrots can also add a sweet flavour to any type of vegetable juice.

Celery is water dense and low in calories. There are various juices recipes for weight loss which include cucumbers. Cucumbers offset the best flavours of the vegetable juice. They are also water dense and low in calories.

Cabbage has a low glycaemic value. It provides many cholesterol lowering benefits to the body and requires more calories to digest. It also cleanses the toxins entire body.

Beetroot gives sweetness to the vegetable juices. It is a best source of nutrients. You can also try dark lettuce leaves which are very rich in minerals. They are very low in calories. Lettuce is a rich source of minerals and vitamins like chromium and manganese.

These foods are the best source of nutrients and if you are putting them in your juices, then you would get all round nourishment for your body. Not only health benefits you would get, but also weight loss plan is a great success. Try to juice each of these ingredients separately. There would be a strong flavour of vegetable juices. If you want some sweetness, then try to add a teaspoon of organic honey.

So, make sure you are taking the above mentioned juices to get rid of your overweight problems.