The Daily Vanguard

Is Mouthwash Good for You?

Mouthwash is good for you, according to our Surrey dentists. But, it is not a substitute for proper oral care, the most basic of which is brushing your teeth. One should brush their teeth after meals but for the worker on a busy schedule, brushing after breakfast and dinner will do. If you’re on the go, rinsing with mouthwash after lunch is a good substitute for brushing.

Rinsing your mouth with mouthwash has many benefits, including:

But mouthwash is not a cure-all for proper oral care and hygiene. Mouthwash does not cure halitosis. It can mask the symptoms temporarily, but having chronic bad breath is a sure sign that you are not practicing proper oral care. Like having a toothache or bleeding gums, constant bad breath must be consulted with a dentist, who will help you get rid of it.

Many mouthwash formulations contain alcohol, and regular use can dry the mouth. Excessive use of mouthwash with alcohol has also been linked to oral cancers, but the evidence is not definitive yet. If you have mouth sores, mouthwash containing alcohol can irritate them instead. Another mouthwash component, chlorhexidine, has been linked to killing off beneficial mouth bacteria which produces nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Killing the beneficial bacteria could have the effect of raising one’s blood pressure.

There is no need to use mouthwash after brushing your teeth, as they are already clean as it is. If you use mouthwash 3-4 times a day, that is an excessive use of the product. That fresh feeling when you use mouthwash is also achieved by proper brushing, which includes your gums and tongue.