The Daily Vanguard

Fast Facts About Skin Firming Lotion

Skin that is prone to cellulite firms up with the application of a specific kind of lotion. These products, known as skin firming lotion, are a relatively new invention but the desire to be rid of cellulite and crepey skin is not a new wish. Many women (and men) want a “magic-bullet” product that will firm up their skin and leave them looking younger in years.

Reasons to Use Skin Firming Lotion

The age-old issue of cellulite is a beauty problem that has been the bane of women’s existence for centuries. Cellulite leaves skin with a dimpled look, often resembling the texture of cottage cheese. Firming lotion also helps with crepey skin which is a texture that skin takes on when it ages, when skin slacks and looks like crepe paper.

These new lotions are a dream come true for those who want to fight against these skin issues. In addition to using the lotions, dieting and a regular exercise program will help to eliminate the appearance of cellulite and crepey skin. However, diet and exercise cannot completely eliminate these issues on their own.

Skin firming lotions are made to not only reduce cellulite but also to moisturize and improve skin’s elasticity. Zones commonly affected by cellulite like the thighs, the stomach and the upper arms especially benefit from the application of these lotions. The neck, arms, hands and face are especially prone to the effects of aging and the “crepey” look.

People use these lotions for many reasons but mostly to improve the health and appearance of their skin and problem areas. Skin firming lotions can specifically target these areas and improve the looks and confidence of their users. If you don’t want to get surgery but want a suitable alternative, read on to find out more!

Ingredients Used In The Lotions

Although there are many different versions of these lotions, they usually share several ingredients for various reasons. Shea butter is a rich, natural moisturizer which has recently become very popular. It not only protects the skin but also softens it. Shea butter also increases the skins ability to produce moisture for itself. It protects against damage caused by the environment and is especially useful in maintaining skins elasticity. Vitamin E, when added to a skin care routine, greatly reduces inflammation. It is a powerful anti-oxidant which promotes pliant and smooth skin. Vitamin E, when used regularly, prevents damage to cellular membranes within the skin’s tissue.  Focus vesiculosus, or seaweed extract, is an incredibly powerful skin firming ingredient. It is anti-inflammatory, hydrating, and essential in improving the look of cellulite and aged skin. Collagen increases the skin’s firmness and toughness, which results in greater elasticity. The aging of skin is usually the result of the damage of this protein. It is very important to restore collagen on an ongoing basis. Elastin is the reason skin retains it’s smooth quality and resilience. It lifts the skin while promoting flexibility and replenishing moisture. Sagging and aging skin can be especially helped by elastin when it is added to a skin-care routine.

What To Look For

Buy a skin firming lotion with SPF 25 or greater. Damage from the sun ruins the skin’s collagens ability to bounce back after routine wear and tear. Lotion with SPF will prevent further damage and maybe even help to repair some of the damage already done.

Lotions with potent anti-oxidants will help to restructure the skin’s collagen. Reforming damaged collagen is the only way to get the skin to firm up without surgical intervention.

Lotions with Vitamin A help to repair skin’s elastin which improves your skins bounce-back and over-all shape and texture. Vitamin E is a similar ingredient that repairs the skin from the inside-out.

Whatever product you decide on, make sure to look out for these key facts during your search. This way you know that you are purchasing a high quality skin firming lotion that contains all of the benefits and age-defying ingredients available on the market. By looking out for these simple key-words and ingredients, you may be able to avoid surgery altogether.