The Daily Vanguard

Do I Need More Than One Breast Augmentation?

Having a breast augmentation is a choice women make for many reasons. But having to get more than one breast augmentation is a popular question, considering medical complications, cosmetic benefits and financial costs.

Technically speaking, there is no limit to the number of times a woman can get a revisionary breast augmentation surgery. However, the effectiveness of each surgery and the resulting, natural-looking breasts can be compromised with each succeeding operation. A single breast augmentation can already guarantee a long-lasting result, with breasts that look and feel natural.

Examine your Needs and Goals

To answer the question of whether or not you need more than one breast augmentation, you have to examine the reasons why you want to get the procedure done. For many women, there are valid reasons why more than one breast augmentation is needed. For example:

Going from a size A cup to a size DD cup is not medically advisable, so women who want to get such a big increase should expect multiple surgeries to let their bodies adjust. Changes in technology can also lead to better implants, so switching out your current implant is also a good reason to get another breast augmentation.

Aging and time affects the appearance and feel of your initial breast augmentation. Twenty-five percent of women will need another breast surgery after 10 years, as implants do change over time.

However, if you want to get multiple breast augmentation procedures because you are not satisfied with the cosmetic results, it is important to consider your reasons for getting the procedure done. It is better to seek another surgical opinion to understand why you are not getting your ideal results, or to reevaluate your personal goals.

Costs to Multiple Breast Augmentations

It is important to know that every subsequent operation can add a visible scar that can detract from the result. Surgeons need to open a new incision every time. Aside from that, the operation can thin the tissues, irreversibly changing them. You also have to consult well during your pre-operative appointments, as these changes to the tissue can affect your ability to breastfeed.

Every additional procedure also increases the chances for complications to arise, which is why it is best to have another breast augmentation only when there is an obvious problem to correct. A visible “scar shell” around the implant, for example, or leaky and warped implants do require breast augmentation. Other than that, it is better to reconsider.

Breast augmentation can cost more than $4,000, and considering the recovery period afterwards, you need to balance the costs versus the benefits of another breast augmentation. If another surgery is right for you, consult your doctor and proceed.

Dr. Gregory H. Croll is the owner of his own practice, and the leading doctor for breast augmentations Columbia, MO.