The Daily Vanguard

Different Kinds Of Joint Injuries and Their Treatment

Joints are the points of meeting of two or more bones in our body held together by bands of tissue called ligaments. Any injury or strain to this area classifies as a joint injury. Sprains to tendons, which hold bones and muscles together are also classified as joint injuries.

Joint injuries can be temporary or chronic, occur due to accidents or age but one thing they definitely are is painful. Larger limbs tend to be more susceptible to joint injuries both on account of how much they’re used and the amount of pressure put on them.

While minor sprains from running, using stairs and sports activities don’t require medical supervision and disappear within 3-4 days, serious forms of joint injury often requires professional intervention and long term care. For your aid, we have put together a list of the kinds of joint injuries, their symptoms and treatments.

Contusions, Strains And Sprains

A bruise or contusion is an injury the soft tissue around our bones, while strains and sprains affect muscle tendons and ligaments respectively.

Symptoms – Common symptoms for sprains include swelling, redness or discoloration over the joint and difficulty in movement.

Diagnosis – Besides physical examination, X-rays and CAT scans are employed by medical professionals to pinpoint the exact location of tear in the ligaments.

Treatment – Sprains are usually placed in casts or splints to hinder activity while the muscle heals. Physiotherapy might be required in some cases.

Tennis Elbow

A stress injury, tennis elbow occurs due to repetitive movement of an already damaged tendon or muscle. It is common in professional sports people, mostly tennis players.

Symptoms – Tennis elbow is characterized by pain in both inside and outside areas of the affected joint muscle, especially during movement of said joint.

Treatment – For temporary relief, ice packs and anti-inflammatory painkillers are recommended. For complete recovery, however, it is essential to rest the joint for the period of time advised by your doctor, and seek therapy. Occupational Therapy Glenarden Maryland is a good option.

Prevention – Avoid playing sports without warming up first. Shoddy equipment and poor playing techniques can also be the culprits of a tennis elbow, so give your sports routine an overhaul.

Nursemaid’s Elbow

A commonly occurring condition in children aged four years and below, nursemaid’s elbow is also known as toddler elbow or pulled elbow. It occurs when one of the forearms’ bones slips out of elbow joint ligament.

Causes – It occurs due to sudden pull on the forearm, such as due to rolling over too suddenly, falling or being pulled too hard by the hand.

Symptoms – Sudden pain in the affected arm and refusal or anxiety to move are the most common indicators.

Diagnosis – Pulled elbow requires immediate and thorough physical examination by the doctor and an x-ray.

Treatment – Doctors usually prescribe mild painkillers for children to deal with the pain and ask for regular visits to the hospital for mild forms of exercise.