The Daily Vanguard

Detox Diet Tips

Autumn detoxification diet should last between three and four weeks, distributed over the three months of autumn calendar week. There are three basic principles:

1. Consumption in any quantity and unreservedly of fruit and vegetables in season – indicating that the class must enter all those who are mature in September-November period, raw or slightly cooked to protect nutrients. Here come the grapes, plums, apples, pears, quince, walnuts green, pumpkin and chestnuts and these vegetables: cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, celery, eggplant, beans and legumes, so-called second crop – spinach, green onions, radishes, Loboda autumn salad.

2. Mono-diet – which contain only fruit and vegetables, associated by color, additional rules being to eat only fruits and green vegetables, red, purple or yellow (grapes, apples, cabbage or black grapes, eggplant and plums or root celery, cauliflower, walnuts and pears).

3. Give your detoxification during moments of relaxation, recreation. “The rule is essential to allow your body to better absorb vitamins and minerals. Relaxation should be equally active and passive – at least 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours and at least four hours of daily physical activity – from walking, climbing stairs, to cycling and running easy.

In addition, several other rules, which each has to adapt to the opportunities and the ability to comply with diet.

    * In the remaining days must consume at least five fresh fruits daily and many vegetables, raw or cooked in steam.
* You can eat what you want, but never eat fruit after a meal, but only between meals or before at least half an hour.
* Drink two liters of fluid per day (water, vegetable soups, fresh fruit juices or combinations)
* Eat at least once per day whole grains.
* Avoid red meat, eat white meat and fish.
* Eat plain yogurt in any quantity.
* Give up sugar and use honey.
* Add treatment inside all exterior treatments: exfoliation, massage and hydration.