The Daily Vanguard

Contact Lenses or Glasses?

Contact lenses are extremely different from eyeglasses. They are considerably not the same since eyeglasses are placed roughly 12 millimeters away from your eyes while contact lenses are placed on the eyes’ surface.

If you intend to wear eyeglasses and contact lenses at the same time, you will need two different prescriptions.

Contact Lens vs. Glasses Prescription

Just like a prescription for eyeglasses, a prescription for contact lens comprises the lens power needed to correct the refractive error – may it astigmatism, hyperopia (farsightedness) and myopia (nearsightedness).

However, it depends on the degree of your refractive error and the kind of prescription contacts; the powers indicated on your prescription contact lens may vary from those on your prescription eyeglasses to provide you with the best vision.

You’re allowed to have a copy of prescriptions of both contact lens and eyeglasses. It’s considered illegal for your eye doctor to hold prescriptions from you.

After the end of an eye exam, you can ask for a copy of your prescription. However, a prescription for contact lens can’t be written by your physician and provided to you unless he or she carry out a contact lens fitting or has a copy of your old prescription and has assessed the fit of your recent lenses.

Can Anyone Get a Contact Lens Prescription?

No, not everybody who requires glasses can use contact lenses effectively. Eye conditions like blepharitis or dry eyes can make wearing contact lenses unsafe or uncomfortable.

Even without pre-existing eye problems, few individuals have delicate corneas and simply can’t get used to wearing contact lenses.

A Note about Coloured Contact Lens Prescriptions

An individual cannot use vision correction coloured contact lenses or lenses with special-effect to modify eye appearance as it requires contact lens fitting and a prescription from a licensed Optometrist in New Westminster.

A contact lens, may it be used for correcting vision or for cosmetic use, is a medical device, and the selling of contact lens without prescription is considered illegal.

Before you chose between eyeglasses and contact lenses, remember that one doesn’t necessarily means that it is better than the other; each type has its advantages and disadvantages when it comes to comfort, vision, and eye health. So, for guidance, it is ideal to consult an expert doctor at Opal Optometry.

Eyeglasses provide a lot of benefits compared to contact lenses. They require less maintenance, you don’t have to touch your eyes just to wear them (reducing the chances of getting an infection), and glasses are way cheaper compared to contact lenses, and they don’t have to be replaced regularly. Eyeglasses also act as a great fashion statement and as an extension of one’s personality.

That in mind, contact lenses have a lot of advantages over eyeglasses. Contact lenses are placed directly on your eyes, so peripheral vision is not obstructed. You can join outdoor activities and sports without having to worry that your eyeglasses may get damaged, fall or break. You can also use various colours with your contact lenses.