The Daily Vanguard

Activities To Improve Your Physical and Mental Health

No matter how many things you’ve got on your plate, the stress of life need not drag you down – all you need is a little help. This can come in the form of throwing yourself into new activities; such as gardening or joining the gym where you can meet supportive people who are on the same road to physical and mental health.

As with all things, these ideas require preparation. If you played tennis in high school, now might be a good time to buy some activewear and join the local YMCA to reconnect with your favorite sport. Or, if you were a cheerleader or a dancer, perhaps you should consider buying new dance shorts for your new hip-hop class, or a new skirt for your new salsa group.

Find Somewhere to Go Swimming

By this, we don’t mean the beach – although there’s nothing wrong with that from time-to-time. Look for something more along the lines of a Super-Sport gym with an olympic-size swimming pool, with lifeguards and lanes.

When it comes to cardiovascular health, you can’t really do better than swimming. Even if you can’t swim, performing body exercises in the pool can be surprisingly taxing – with the extra benefit that you only really feel it once you exit the water. The natural, constant resistance that water provides is excellent for both toning your muscles and making your heart healthier.

Lastly, there’s the mental aspect of swimming, too – it can’t be underestimated. Most gyms with an olympic-sized swimming pool have a sauna or heated jacuzzi nearby, and you’ll be compelled to try it out.

Focus Specifically on Mental Health

It’s even easier to ignore your mental health than it is your physical, because you tend to be a machine that doesn’t do much self-reflection in the course of a busy day. Although this is understandable; it can get bad enough to cause a breakdown if you’re not mindful. Mental health is as important as physical – even moreso.

If you’re in a toxic environment, stop making excuses for everyone else and find the wherewithal to excuse yourself from it. If you have a lifelong friend or a compassionate family member, then open up to her to find relief and gain some outside comfort.

Take a good look at your current diet, and see where it can be improved – this has a direct effect on your mood. For example, it’s well-known that good proteins help your body release more of the “happy chemicals” like dopamine and norepinephrine. Almonds, pecans and other nuts do a world of good for your heart and musculoskeletal system, too. Nourish yourself properly, and the effects will manifest themselves in ways that you can see and feel.

Take a Vacation

Depending on the time of the year, this might at first seem impractical. However; if you’re suffering from mental fatigue and physical malaise, then chances are you haven’t treated yourself with a vacation in quite some time. Well, there is no better time than now, when you need it – that’s what vacations are for, anyway.

Pick a place within your budget and take off with a minimum of luggage. The time of the year matters, of course, if you want to go on a safari (for example) and see some of the most awesome animals in their natural habitats instead of the local zoo – it’s a whole different world with the former. Alternatively, a cruise ship expedition is just about as year-round as it gets, so you should always be able to find one in any month.

Take care of your mental and physical health, and you’ll find that most of the problems you face in life will bother you a lot less – if at all.