The Daily Vanguard

6 Simple Home Remedies For Back Acne

Back acne is caused by the buildup of excess sebum and other impurities in the skin pores or the hair follicles. Moreover, it is difficult to cleanse the skin on the back and excessive sweating occurs in daily activities.  All of these create a favorable environment for acne development. Therefore, back acne is one of the hardest and the most time-consuming types of acne to treat. However, the following are six simple home remedies for back acne helping you have a silky back.

  1. Lemon juice

Lemon is very familiar in your kitchen and used in many skin-care remedies.  Using lemon juice to treat the back acne is very simple but effective.  Apply a piece of cotton wool with lemon juice lightly on the acne skin, dry for fifteen minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Natural antiseptic properties in lemon juice will cleanse the skin gently and help reduce acne inflation. You should do this twice a week to get results. Nevertheless, you should not use this remedy with the thin or sensitive skin to avoid damaging it.

  1. Common salt

Natural antiseptic properties in salt are good for the acne treatment.  After bathing, the skin remains moist and clean pores so it is suitable to use the following simple remedy. Massage the salt into the skin gently for a few minutes. Next, rub a piece of cotton wool with dilute salt solution softly on the back and dry itself for ten or fifteen minutes and then bathe again. Do it only twice or three times a week. The back acne will reduce in about one month.

In addition, you can soak yourself in a salt-mixed bath for twenty or thirty minutes. If you have oily skin, you just wipe your body with a clean towel. However, if your skin is dry, you should apply a light moisturizer on your back after bathing.

Besides, you spray dilute salt solution on the acne skin once or twice a day. It will be significantly successful when you do it regularly.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is not only one of the useful ingredients for dry, oily, and even aging skin but also one of home remedies for back acne. It cleanses and reduces acne and dark spots on the skin. Make a paste of oatmeal and honey and then apply it on the acne skin for five minutes.  After rubbing the skin with a cotton bath sponge for five or ten minutes, bath again with warm water.  You should do this home remedy twice a week to have the most beneficial effects.  Oats will help to get rid of dead cells on the skin, brighten the skin and reduce back acne. Oatmeal is easy to use because it is suitable for almost types of skin so you can completely set your mind at rest.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acids which cleanse sebum as a result of sweating. With a bottle of home-made or store-bought apple cider vinegar, you should dilute it with clean water in the ratio one to two. Apply it on the back with acne and massage gently, then rinse it off with warm water. Not only does the apple cider vinegar treat the back acne but also the others on the entire body.

You can also use egg yolk soaked in apple cider vinegar for three days for back acne treatment because eggs help to contain the oil and restore the skin after acne lesions.

  1. Baking soda

Baking soda is one of home remedies for back acne which you can do easily. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with water to make a paste and then apply this on the back. Leave it for ten or fifteen minutes and then rinse off with water. This mixture stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil to prevent dry or acne skin.

  1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a quick acne treatment without the side effects. It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. You should not use pure tea tree oil because it can cause skin irritation, redness or dry itch. Instead, it should be diluted with water before using. Mix two or three teaspoons of tea tree oil with a cup of water and then apply cotton sponge absorbed with the dilute tea tree oil on the back.