The Daily Vanguard

5 Healthy Tips For A Balanced Diet

The amount you eat has a major influence on your health, A healthy, balanced diet is easier to achieve than you’d think, judging by the dizzying number of competing diets, diet is important because your body’s organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Most will make you just lose the pleasure of eating while depriving you a moment of critical usability. You can keep the line and good health simply by having a balanced diet. But before talking about balanced diet, it is important to know what comprises a food and what is the role of each of its components.

Each feed is composed of a set of macronutrients, micronutrients, fibers and water.

The macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) give us the energy needed for the proper functioning of our body.

The micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are mainly involved in the growth, metabolism of micronutrients and the functioning of the nervous and muscular system.

The fiber promotes satiation, slow carbohydrate absorption, regulate intestinal transit and reduce bad cholesterol.

Water, which constitutes nearly 60% of the human body, transports nutrients and waste disposal. It is also water which stabilizes the body temperature through perspiration.

There are more than 40 nutrients necessary to our health and no food has them all. Therefore be understood quickly that only a balanced diet will give us all the nutrients needed for the proper functioning of our body. Now, how do?

Here are our 5 Tips For A Balanced Diet

  1. Eat a serving of starch or dried vegetables per meal. They are rich in complex carbohydrates like starch and thus bring energy. Moreover, they also contain vegetable protein and vitamin B participant, among others, the metabolism, growth and functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Take raw fruits and vegetables (fresh, frozen or canned) at each meal as well as a cooked vegetable dish every day. They give you vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  3. Eat meat, fish or eggs at least once a day – care, up to four eggs per week – and fish two to three times a week. They will be a protein and iron intake (which is involved in the formation of red blood cells) easily absorbed by the body which is not the case of all foods rich in iron.
  4. Consume milk and / or milk products three times per day. They contain animal protein needed for growth and cell renewal, but also of vitamin A for vision, good skin and detoxify the body as well as calcium for bones and teeth.
  5. Do not hesitate to cook with butter, oil or margarine, and varying according to the meal. Here you will find essential fatty acids to the formation of cell membranes as well as vitamin A and E involved in protecting the body against harmful substances. Prefer vegetable fats and fatty fish that contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in meat, butter, whole milk, cheese and eggs that contain saturated fatty acids.

However, keep in mind that if there are no good or bad foods, balanced diet based on variety, but also moderated.

You will also of course respect the rule of three meals at regular times without skipping one, take the time to eat quietly, don’t eat snacks between meals and drink at least a liter and a half of water a day.