The Daily Vanguard

3 Steps To Learn How Fast And Easy Whitening Face

Knowing how to whiten the face is especially important if we maintain a completely clean of imperfections such as acne, skin blemishes, wrinkles … skin if we have a good daily cleaning routine you can be that the problems start to appear on your safe skin and believe me, they are not at all pleasant and do not realize what you’re missing until you suffer.

Below is a simple tutorial will teach you 3 steps to whiten the face with natural ingredients, if you are interested definitely have come to the right place.

How to Whiten your Face in Just 3 Steps

Before we start to see if we have the following ingredients:

The water does not have to be low in sodium, but is recommended as it can over-dry your skin; this is especially recommended for those with very sensitive skin.

We should have them all by hand and use that during the procedure, which is also pretty quick and easy to perform, so if you want to learn and how to whiten your face, let’s get to work.

Step 1: Cleaning and Preparation of the Skin

First moisten our face with some water and dry, then wet it again but this time with a mixture of water and lemon juice, basically mixing a pint of water and lemon juice is more than enough. You must be careful that you do not get in eyes since they can irritate you.

Then we will take a small cotton pad and this will make a circular motion to clean our face with lemon, we can add some sodium bicarbonate to be thus excellent homemade exfoliating cream. This will remove all impurities, uncover and cleanse pores, eliminate excess fat and regenerate damaged skin.

If you have very sensitive skin we can use half a lemon instead of one, or increase the amount of water that is used for most everything dissolved.

Step 2: Applying the Mask

Once we have cleaned, homemade mask is applied, we must do it using lemon, milk, flour, cornstarch and honey, the amount of each ingredient depends on our taste. We apply it on the face and leave for no longer than 30 minutes and less than 15, then rinse thoroughly. As a notice we do not recommend to go out of the sun you apply the mask nothing better waiting an hour or two.

Step 3: Hydrate Skin and Enrichment

Finally, we will take a small cotton swab and get wet in some milk, applied to the face and leave overnight, so our skin stays hydrated and absorb all the nutrients and vitamins of this, strengthening and acquiring better tone. We can if we want to add some olive oil if you have very oily skin and honey if we want to bring you even more nutrients. If we want to give an extra hydration, we can substitute olive oil for rosehip oil, which will also help with the healing of the skin in case we have any problems of that nature.

How long should I be Blocking My Face to get Results?

The first thing we need to do it daily and recommend doing it at night, and thus also remove all the dust and dirt accumulated during the day.

We perform the procedure for about 2 weeks to see noticeable results and 4 for pleasantly surprising results, if you have a little patience you’ll be glad you have taken these steps.