The Daily Vanguard

10 Important Services Offered By A Family Dentistry Aurora, CO Clinic

Family dentistry is aimed at providing wholesome dental care for your family. The American Dental Association (ADA) says that over 90% of adult dental problems can be prevented with proper dental care at an early age. There are myriad problems that can be prevented through regular checkups and preventive dentistry at an early age including dental carries, missing teeth, discoloration, chipping, and misaligned teeth, among other problems.

If you have just relocated to Aurora, CO, it is important to identify the best clinic to guarantee your family’s dental health. These experts use modern technology to provide the best services. When looking for a dentist in the area, ask for referrals and only work with highly experienced professionals. You should also look for their licensing, professional affiliation and their reputation on Yelp before using their services.

Here are some of the services you should expect from an established family dentistry Aurora, CO facility:

  1. Dental cleaning and checkups: Everyone in your family will enjoy regular checkups by a dentist to diagnose problems early enough and also treat them before they exacerbate. More importantly, professional cleaning helps reach those areas which brushing and flossing could be missing.
  2. Dental implants: A missing tooth affects your smile and this in turn impacts on self-esteem. A dental implant provides permanent support for a replacement tooth which looks natural and you will get back your dazzling smile.
  3. Porcelain veneers: Discolored teeth affect self-confidence and customized porcelain veneers are used to give you a Hollywood smile.
  4. Teeth whitening: Advances in technology now allow for safer teeth whitening at your dentist’s office. A powerful tooth whitening activation system will give back your perfect smile in no time.
  5. Emergency dental services: Accidents do happen and especially with kids at home. Dental injuries are excruciating and immediate attention is required. Your family dentist is always available even during holidays to provide prompt services.
  6. Tooth crowns: It is now possible to get same-day dental crowns due to advances in dentistry technology. Using laser scanning, it is easier to create an impression that will help create a custom made crown to cover your damaged tooth.
  7. Gum disease treatment: Periodontal gum disease is devastating and your family dentist will be at hand to provide deep cleaning, scaling and root canal therapy, among other solutions. Every condition is unique and your dentists will recommend the solution that suits you perfectly.
  8. Gum contouring: Your gum also affects your smile and also protects the jawbone. Gum contouring is an advanced procedure aimed at giving your gums perfect shape to ensure they perform optimally.
  9. TMD treatment: In case of temporomandibular joint disorder, your dentist will recommend soothing procedures to allow easier biting and reduce the pain. You will also learn about lifestyle changes to avoid the disorder.
  10. Inlays/Onlays: This is the best alternative to fillings and bonding. These are custom-made fillings that are then bonded to the enamel to provide a more permanent solution and a polished look.

There are other tailor-made dental solutions depending on your dental problems. Go on and identify the best dental office in the city and improve your family’s dental health.