The Daily Vanguard

Why Animation Is The Key To Your Web Design and Success

These days, building a standout website is not easy to do.  With better hosting solutions, faster page loading speeds, and dynamic designs overwhelming the millions of websites on the internet today, it can be challenging to figure out how to brand yourself as unique.

In the past, site animations were seen as trivial design elements meant to add a little excitement to your site.

However, as technology advances and the ability to add complex animations to your website becomes more accessible, even for novice website owners, the desire to add animation to websites has increased.

Today we are going to look at the key reasons you should consider adding animation to your existing website, and why enrolling in an HTML5 for beginners course can help propel you into an entirely new world of web design.

1. Increase in Site Traffic

Animation has a way of grabbing people’s attention.  This is especially true if the animations you add to your website complement killer content and provide value to the site visitor.

If you craft exceptional content for your readers to engage in, and implement some cool animation effects to break up the content and images, your readers will enjoy your website and come back for more.

In addition, they will be more likely to share your content on their social media platforms, helping to expand your website’s reach.

2. Better Site Interaction

One of the key ways to get site visitors to like what you have to offer is to convince them to interact with your content.  This may be in the form of comments, reading your blog, or even taking an interactive quiz.

However, there are other great ways to encourage site visitors to interact with your website using animations.

For instance:

In the end, the point of using animation for increased site engagement is to guide readers towards the content you want them to see.  In the end, you can use the movement of animation to influence what your site visitors are drawn to.

3. Easy Site Navigation

Animations can help make transitions on your website smooth and more user-friendly.  After all, site visitors don’t want to see abrupt changes in your website’s pages as they scroll through your content.

The key is to make things slide, fade, and scroll with ease so that your readers’ eyes only don’t have to adjust when a change occurs.

In fact, scrolling is considered one giant animation effect.  Without animations, the smooth scrolling your site visitors have come to love would not be possible.

4.  Aid Advertising

Monetizing your website through advertisements is a great way to supplement your income.

Showcase products and services you willingly endorse and watch your click through rates soar.

People will be naturally drawn to the animated effects of your ads and as a result, more likely to check them out when compared to boring, flat-lined ads.

5. Enhance Mobile-Friendliness

Every website needs to make their website mobile-friendly.  After all, even Google will penalize you for not having responsive web design.

That said, in addition to using a mobile-friendly theme or template for your website, you can utilize the power of animations to make the mobile-experience more interactive, accessible, and just plain fun.

Convince site visitors they are truly immersed in your website as they tap their small screens and explore what you have to offer.

Altogether, there are several convincing reasons why adding animations to your website can be beneficial to your overall success, besides the fact they entertain your site visitors.

In fact, animations using HTML5 can boost site traffic, reduce bounce rates, and establish your website as one that is unique and must be visited immediately.