The Daily Vanguard

Who Is At Fault In A Car Accident Within A Construction Zone

There are many warning signs to tell you that you are in a construction zone, but despite all of these efforts, construction zones are one of the most common areas for car accidents. Part of this is because of the nature of construction zones, in which no two are alike. Construction zones, while raising awareness for the fact that there is ongoing construction, also present a unique situation for many drivers in which they never know what lies ahead. For this reason, construction zones are a popular area for car accidents and conditions only worsen at night or in inclement weather.

Over the years, there have been many initiatives taken to try and prevent construction zone accidents, but they still account for a huge portion of auto accidents on the road. Whether it is due to negligence on the part of the construction company or on the driver, it is clear that these situations remain a danger to the public. There are many other factors that could help to lead to a construction zone accident, and they will all come into play when determining who is at fault in a car accident within a construction zone.

Who’s At Fault

When a car accident in a construction zone has occurred, the most difficult task might be assigning blame in the situation. If you have been involved in an accident of this nature, you are probably wondering how blame is going to be assigned and what you need to do in this situation.

In every situation, someone will be at fault, responsible for damages and injuries, and will have to face the consequences. There are many factors that go into determining who is at fault in any collision, let alone an accident that happens within a construction zone.

Is The Construction Crew To Blame?

While many construction zone accidents are caused by negligent and careless drivers, that doesn’t mean that every accident ends in finding the driver to blame. There are many situations in which the construction crew or company could be found at fault for creating a dangerous situation on the roads. If you believe this is the case, then you might have a strong lawsuit to regain funds to repair your health or property.

Common Ways The Construction Crew Is Liable

As we mentioned earlier, there are several situations in which a construction crew or company could be found liable for the damage that occurs to you or your property. Many times, a construction site layout is set up in a dangerous way that causes confusion for drivers. Any situation that involves a lack of signs warning of the construction, out of place equipment and tools and other obstructing elements can cause construction companies to be liable for accidents that occur.

One of the most common situations that are the fault of the construction company is the failure to properly mark the lanes, which understandably causes confusion with the drivers and could lead to a dangerous accident. If you want to be able to prove effectively that your accident was the result of the negligence of the construction company or crew, you should hire an experienced and trustworthy personal injury attorney to guide you through the process and get the maximum award.