The Daily Vanguard

What You Should Know Before You Buy Your Next Children Dress Forms

Anyone can tell you the ease of having children dress forms as it helps in the sewing and fitting of unfinished or finished garments. If you’re one of these tailors who are going out to obtain your first children dress forms, then you should definitely spend some time reading this article and absorb its message.

1) You need to understand that there is more than one way to obtain children dress forms

You can choose to have your dress forms in custom made measurements or dimensions according to the garment that you are trying to create. However, you also need to understand that if you opt to have custom made children dress forms then you also lose the flexibility of being able to design clothes for other sizes unless you decide to get another custom made children dress forms.

These dress forms are also made up of different kinds of materials which will provide different effects to your dress form and it all depends on your needs. Most of the time people will prefer to get ones with hard cover outing as it is able to provide better forms when they are fitted with a garment.

2) It will be good to understand the basics first

Whether you’re a newbie tailor or not, it is always important to get yourself updated with the basics of children dress forms and to think about the sizes that they come in. The very first thing you need to understand before you start your shopping is to answer a seemingly easy question, what exactly are the measurements that you are trying to get for your dress forms.

When you have an exact body double to work your clothes on with, it becomes much easier to start sewing your outfits and fitting them over the children dress forms as this will help you to complete the entire collection. 

3) Mannequins do not equal dress forms

Many people often confuse children dress forms as the same thing as mannequins because the latter does not come in custom made sizes which is not very helpful for your needs. As you stick with your children dress forms it becomes more and more apparent that they are the better choice than regular mannequins. Plus the dress forms come ina variety of outer coating which is useful for you to pin anything on like your unfinished clothing or outfits.

Never try to force a mannequin to work for your needs as you will be only disappointed and not only that it can also be used to work on your clothing for you.