The Daily Vanguard

What You Need to Know About Photo Booth Rentals

When you plan a party, it goes without saying that you want to make sure every detail is perfect. You want your guests to have a good time at your shindig, but you should also create a way to remember the party in the days and weeks after. The easiest way to do this is by investing in photo booth rentals — not only do they add an extra activity to your party, they give each guest a fun memento to take home.

Not sure where to start when it comes to renting a photo booth? We compiled everything you need to know to ensure your party goes off to a smashing success.

Decide how many photo booths you need

How big are you expecting your party to be? How big is the venue, and how many guests are going to come? Crunching some numbers will help you figure out how many booths you need. Remember that if you’re expecting a larger group, you want a few booths so there won’t be long lines snaking through your party. No one wants to wait in line to create memories!

Do you want open air booths or closed?

This may just come down to a personal preference. If you have an open air booth, more people will be able to squeeze in for one shot and you can even include larger props. Plus, open air booths allow for people to jump and strike the most dramatic poses of the night.

Get crazy with your props

No photo booth experience is complete without fun props. This is where you can really go crazy and create an environment your guests will love. We recommend picking a theme and running with it. Bring in hats, face props (like sticks with moustaches attached along with buzzwords), stuffed animals, full-on costumes, and even interactive props. Simply put, interactive props bring your photo booth to life and wow your guests. These are green screens, digital props, and drawing tools that bring all types of personalization to the pictures.

Personalize your photo template

You’ll want to make sure your guests remember where they took their picture, so personalize the photo template before the guests start posing. There are plenty of ways you can make the template (which is the border of the picture) pop including playing around with custom fonts, colors, and your party’s theme. Your template also includes how large you want the finished picture to be.

You also don’t have to go with the traditional photo strip that you may equate photo booths with. You can print out each picture, compile them in a collage, and even offer different sizes like ones for a wallet or pictures that fit a 4 by 6 inch frame. Also, don’t forget to choose color options you want to give your guests. Most photo booths allow for pictures to be in color, black and white, or sepia toned.

Invest in photo booth insurance

You want to protect your guests from having to call a personal injury lawyer in case someone is hurt during the event, so invest in photo booth insurance beforehand. You can never be too careful with ensuring the safety of yourself and your guests.

When it comes to planning a party and getting a photo booth rental, follow these five steps and you’ll be on your way to having a wonderful party and memories for your guests to cherish.