The Daily Vanguard

What Problems Should I Check On The Roof Of My Next Home?

Buying your next home isn’t as simple as looking for four walls and a roof to live in. You need to get your value for money. Often, that means checking for the quality of the different materials making up your next house.

The roof of your next home is something you have to pay extra attention to. If there are any problems with it, you would have to shoulder the cost of repair and maintenance in the next couple of years. Here are the factors that you need to check your roof for.

Roofs are designed to keep out external elements like rainwater and moisture from creeping inside. Checking for signs of leakages and moisture in your roof is one of the first things you should do.

Signs of roof leaks and moisture can be seen from both the inside of the house and the exterior. You should carefully look at the roof system for dark spots or trails, which come from accumulated still water or running water. You might also see growing mold from the exterior, which can cause a lot of problems.

Leaks and moisture don’t just make you uncomfortable, they also affect the structural integrity of the whole roof. They’re usually a product of improper installation.

How the roof of your next home is adhered to the substrate, like the deck or membrane, can affect its resistance to wind and other elements. You might be subjected to inconvenient billowing when the roof is not designed well.

Billowing can lead to cases of moisture infiltration and even damage to the membrane.

Problems related to age should also be on top of your list to check out. The lifespan of a roof depends on the type and design of the roof. For example, shingle roofs can last from 15 years to more than 50 years, while metal roofs can last even longer.

It would be best for your next home to have a roof that hasn’t been worn down by time. Check out for loose or missing shingles. You might also see some granules which are caused by the increasing fragility of shingles as they age.

Be careful not to look at the whole roof system for any problems in its structural integrity. Issues related to sagging or even deformation can be due to external pressure from the outside as well as moisture damage.

How your next roof will fare against wind, hails, or storms depends on its structural integrity. Make sure to check for signs of imbalance.

Written by True Son Exteriors, the best roofing Columbia, MO has to offer.