The Daily Vanguard

What Does BPM Stand For?

Practical experience in the bpm`online system implementation in real conditions shows that many companies choose it over from other CRM systems. BPM can be regarded to as CRM system, especially because in contrast to the analogues, the creators make particular emphasis on sales management. It is impossible to talk about the product; as of an independent solution, as many meanings are included in one general name. But what does BPM stand for? To answer this question, one must understand how the system works.

The service also offers BPM software for working with the knowledge base, social network, analytic and administration of the whole platform.

What Does BPM Stand For – Benefits of Using

BPM system is a cloud-based system that contains several products – for marketing, sales and service. The system is also used to increase sales, optimize marketing plans, and improve personnel work. What does BPM stand for? A wide range of features is focused on working with the business processes. Thanks to this system, all business processes become automated. For example, using bpm`online product, you need to register on the company`s official website. Based on many reviews, this product really won the market, gained recognition between large and small companies. Subsequently, the test version will be available for the system performance analysis.

Various bpm`online sales packages are created for specific areas of companies’ activity, and they are presented in the following forms:

So what does BPM stand for? System packages allow you to manage customer information, sales and marketing. For example, there are sections that contain information about the following system categories:

It is also important to understand that the system possesses a process approach. In the system, you will not be able to work separately just with leads or orders. Here each element is a part of the system, which is associated with other parts, and it has to go somewhere for further work, like any part of the process. Lead – is a potential client, who reacted to marketing communication. The business process management is easily automated by means of creating a unified database of clients, their 360-degree profiles and other important data. There are also analytics and reports available on each of the product features.

Business process management software not only binds the actions of users in a particular business model, it also introduces its own terminology, different from other peers. After the Lead is added to the system, is qualified in accordance to the history of previous communication, he/she becomes a Contact. So all further work is carried out with the contacts. For the contact, you can create “purchase” or “sale”. Contact card consists of a set of tabs: Info Summary, Workplace, News line, Files, etc. There is a mandatory field to fill – developers have also pre-selected what information is obligatory or desirable.

Once there is original data in the system, it is already possible to do business with the help of available information. By automating some aspects, ownership information becomes available, business will be more profitable. In the future the whole work will boil down to reading the information. It is not necessary to fill out customer data, to study marketing plans from scratch.

Software for Working with the System

The system provides many BPM tools for efficient operation. If a simple CRM is assigned to work with customers and building long-term relationships, the BPM software is focused on executing multiple tasks simultaneously. One platform provides many tools for the automation of many business processes – tasks modeling, adjusting the business processes to changing market conditions, controlling and monitoring, getting analysis, etc.

What Are the Benefits for Companies

The system lets on manage marketing, sales and services departments using a single platform at each stage of collaboration with the clients. For each stage, there are tools, which help build a strong relationship with the customer base. Also, each company can adjust the program interface for convenience. The solution gives you a comprehensive view of the customer: access to the history of the relationship with your company, customer preferences and behavior. The system consolidates information on the contacts that are of high priority for you.

The mobile app contains the key information about the client, which can be accessed at any time and does not depend on the availability of Internet access. Managing mail, phone calls and tasks is carried out within a single platform. It allows for organizing work with clients, partners or suppliers, while arranging tasks according to their priority, deadline of execution and accountability. The system also allows integration with Google Calendar and Microsoft Exchange.

Universal BPM System

Platform`s services are suitable for any organization, regardless of its size or business industry. Many clients face such questions as:

Now, answering the question of “what does BPM stand for?” you exactly know what goals and objectives this system can solve. It allows the B2B and B2C companies to identify customer needs, evaluate the maturity and cultivate them until making a purchase, which makes BPM a management concept of business processes, allowing the use of modern tools and products.