The Daily Vanguard

Understanding Social Security Administration

The SSA or Social Security Administration offers financial support for disabled and retired persons. It also gives survivor benefits i.e. funds paid to the children or spouse of a deceased worker. The Social Security Administration administers a social security program utilizing funds it gathers from social security taxes.

The funds are dispersed monthly amongst people who are eligible and have successfully applied to receive the funds. However, not everybody qualifies and in that case, the person may choose to contact a local social security appeals lawyer.

Kinds of Social Security Benefits

Reasons You Are Being Denied SSA Benefits

You might be denied the SSA benefits due to several reasons, which depend on the kind of benefit for which you have applied. The most common reason is that either you did not pay the required social security taxes or you did not fulfill the minimum age requirement.

Sometimes when you, as a disabled person, child, or surviving spouse of a deceased worker, meet the requirements to apply for the SSA benefits but not provide required information on your application. So, you might be denied the SSA benefits. In this case, consider contacting a social security appeals attorney.

Things to Do If You Believe You Have Been Wrongly Refused SSA Benefits

You must contact a social security lawyer if you have been denied SSA benefits. However, you should first follow this four-step process by the SSA.


File a Case in Federal Court – The Council’s decision may be unquestionable, yet there is another step in the process. The SSA can ultimately be sued in federal court by you if you are not satisfied with the decision.