The Daily Vanguard

Understand The Anatomy Of Dogs To Feed Them In A Better Way

We have often seen dogs eating grass which led to the advent to a question- is a dog carnivore or omnivore? This question often confuses the dog owners into believing that their pets can be fed with vegetative matter, apart from the usual food. There has been controversy over this issue. The information is considered to be quite important for the dog owners as it would help them to feed their dog properly.

We should remember that the anatomy of a dog is totally different from that of a human. What is nutritious and beneficial for us might not be the same for the dogs. Simply considering the fact that dogs are omnivores should not be alone to decide the diet of your pet. Let’s take a look at the canine anatomy to have a better understanding about feeding your pet.

Anatomy of the Canines

The canine anatomy has two important features which definitely speak for their carnivorous nature. The features are as follows:

Why Dogs Eat Vegetables if they are Carnivore?

Even after knowing about these factors, some people would still come up with the question that why do we see dogs eating vegetables if they have all the canine related features.Just because we have seen them eating vegetables and fruits doesn’t mean that they are omnivore. As per animal experts, this is simply their instinct to survive which makes them eat anything. In other words, dogs evolve in order to survive.

Wolves are considered to be the ancestors of dogs. They used to prey mostly on herbivores. Often when we see dogs eating grass, remember that it is just their survival instinct. They would generally eat grass when not feeling well. Therefore, never just go by the fact that dogs are omnivores. Feeding them with the necessary food would not only keep them healthy but energetic. If are confused about what is best for your pet, get in touch with a vet.