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Typical Academic Writing Disasters You Can Avoid

As part of your educational journey, you won’t be able to avoid academic writing. The skills you apply to your material, usually depends on the writing situation, target audience and the purpose of writing. By developing your academic writing skills, it will have a positive impact on your professional progression.

To help you progress with ease in your computer science capstone project , we will cover the common mistakes that students make in academic writing, and how to avoid them. These errors are easy to overcome than you imagine. They include:

1. Use of Passive Voice

Many students may find it challenging to use active voice in their thesis. Though one may try to only use this voice, in some instances use of passive voice is okay. However, readers tend to find passive voice frustrating.

If you can find the subject of the sentence and make it the actor, then, do so. In instances where rephrasing a sentence in passive voice becomes absurd or makes it complicated, you can stick to the use of passive voice. But, try to limit its use as much as possible.

2. Numerous usage of quotes

You should show your understanding of the thesis topic in your essay. Be it in the analysis or research of the computer science capstone ideas, don’t overuse quotes. If you do, you undermine your authority on the subject.

You need only use quotes sparingly. Try and write the information in your own words. If you can’t rephrase it without changing its meaning, the use of a quote is ideal.

3. A source that isn’t credible

The internet has made research more accessible, just by typing a keyword in a search engine and you receive dozens of results. However, not all the search results are credible. To back your ideas of the computer science capstone project examples, you have to get resources from academic experts.

Avoid questionable sources by doing your research on reputable websites. Most of them end in.Org, Edu, and.Gov.

4. Plagiarism

Your thesis should be backed by credible sources, and include original ideas and analysis. Give credit where it is due. If you are using the direct and exact words of your source, remember to quote or give the subject matter expert, credit.

Professors can distinguish between a student’s original idea and those that are somebody else’s. Also, don’t be tempted to reword a whole section or article simply. It is still plagiarism.

5. Improper styling

Each program or course may have specific style guidelines. Common academic writing styles include MLA, APA, and Chicago, writing styles. Though the different formatting may confuse a student, always stick to the rules from the beginning to the end of your paper.

Failure to abide by the guidelines may lead to unintentional plagiarism, a research paper that isn’t cohesive or easy to understand. Also, remember to cite your sources correctly as you write.

6. Grammar errors

You should be able to communicate your ideas in a clear and concise manner. The reader need not have to figure out what you want to say in your sentences. Read your paper out loud or use a grammar check to find and rectify and grammar mistakes.

Break down complex sentences into sort and clear ones. Avoid dangling modifiers in your content.


Avoid these typical errors and let your research paper stand out as a scholarly piece.