The Daily Vanguard

The Pros and Cons Of Driving A Classic Car On A Daily Basis

Driving an old-timer on a daily basis is possible. What prevents choosing an a classic car for day to day riding? Legally: nothing at all. Several factors yet need to take into account before abandoning your brand new Toyota for a cute little MG B. Let’s review the pros and cons of such radical change in your driving life.

Driving a Classic One Every Day: The Cons

1- You are going to scare your mother

There is a massive argument. You only have to compare the crash tests of vintage cars and those of today to realize that thick sheet metal is not necessarily the best protection. Crashing in a VW Beetle or in a Citroen 2CV 5 is likely to be more deadly than with your new Toyota.

2- It will hit your budget

To anyone who wants to buy a classic car to save money, be aware that this is rarely the case.
First, fuel consumption is like the car: from another age!

In terms of reliability, vintage cars are often disappointing. They are more likely to break something worrying … And spare parts are sometimes expensive. Recent used or a new cars are generally more economical to use and often benefit from manufacturer warranty.
Last but not least, insuring a classic vehicle for a daily use may be difficult and costly as insurers fear that your car is less safe than a more recent one.

Driving a Classic One Every Day: The Pros

1- The best way to learn driving

Driving a vintage car every day cannot be improvised. But once you get used to it, you can become a great driver. Indeed, without electronic assistance, you need to improve your driving skills to deal with the ice on the road, aquaplaning, or speed bumps…In a modern over-equipped car, driving is much easier. With less power, longer braking distance, sometimes less intuitive controls, you need to become a top driver to drive a classic car on a daily basis.

2- Drive in style

Driving a modern car does not give you so much fun (unless it is top sport car…), isn’it ? Your car should match your personality. After all, your vehicle is just as important as your appearance. What you’re driving is influencing peoples’ opinion of you. You should treat your car like your lean wardrobe. And therefore driving a classic car is a wonderful way to drive in style, while reflecting your personal values.

3. Sharing your passion

Why showing to your colleagues, friends and neighbours that you love old-timers? To make them passionate persons too! If you want to pass on your passion for vintage cars, share it on a daily basis… and why not let others drive your classic 280SL ? They will love it and be glad to share this opportunity with you !

Conclusion: as usual, it’s up to you

Whether you like the idea or not, you must admit that driving a classic car on a daily basis is somehow an exciting way of life. It requires an adaptation period, and involves taking the financial constraints into consideration. The risks are also higher as old vehicles are usually less powerful and efficient.

Yet, with new technologies it is possible to restomod our classic cars and even retrofit them to electricity. In this regard, driving an upgraded classic car on a daily basis may become much more usual in coming years.