The Daily Vanguard

Schedule A Shredding Purge Today

Everyone works hard to protect the things they care about. This means that they’re not afraid to lock up their wallet or take valuable items out of visible sight in their vehicles. Given this, why do more businesses not focus on shredding important documents with sensitive information?

The Better Business Bureau states that identity theft is the fastest growing white collar crime that exists. It occurs thousands of times a day every single day of the year, and most of the time the victims don’t even know how their information was stolen in the first place. Unfortunately, businesses are often to blame for this information getting out.

From clothes retailers to banks to insurance salespeople, the various companies around Toronto, the GTA, and the country at large take contact and financial information from their customers. Customers give them this information expecting security measures are in place to protect them from physical and digital theft, but these measures aren’t always as robust as they should be. As a result, confidential material can fall into the wrong hands.

The path to those hands is shorter than you think. Sometimes people will fish though garbage to try to find the documentation that they need to steal someone’s identity. They can find it in many forms, and this could all be prevented if the company would just shred what they did not need. Shredding isn’t just what actors like Sebastian Stan do in preparation for their role in Marvel action movies. Paper shredding makes it practically impossible to make any use of those documents ever again.  If a company simply shreds old files that it no longer needs, it can prevent those files from being discovered and used for malicious intent.

Shredding in-house isn’t always an option. An office can lack critical equipment or enough staff members to take on this responsibility. Luckily, there are shredding services Toronto business can trust. A reliable document destruction company will offer:

As you can see, the best shredding services Toronto offers provides far more than just shredding. They understand the important nature of the documents that they are shredding and just how important it is to get things right.

When you do so much already to protect your business and its customers, it only makes sense to invest in document destruction. A regularly scheduled pickup can help you eliminate the chances of identity theft and keep your business safe.