The Daily Vanguard

Renting a Leaf Blower this Spring

           Renting a leaf blower is one of the smartest household decisions you can make this spring. As the spring season goes on, and gradually turns into summer and then fall, you’ll find that having a leaf blower would help you combat falling leaves. Whether it’s maple, birch, oak, or a shedding bush, you can handle the mess with a leaf blower.

Having a leaf blower on hand to clear up your yard will save you a lot of time and effort, and will also guarantee you greater efficiency compared to manual alternatives. More than that, the variety of leaf blower equipment rental options will give you the benefit of versatility.

Advantages of Renting a Leaf Blower

The traditional method of clearing away leaf and loose garden debris is to go through your yard with a broom or rake in hand. Now that it’s 2017, there have been leaps and bounds in household technology. Using a leaf will be more efficient.

Here are several advantages of renting a leaf blower this spring:

Compared to raking, you can clear an area of leaves in half the time, or even less, than the time it would take to sweep them away. This means you’d exert less effort for the same result.

Like any investment, renting a leaf blower might seem more expensive at the start.

First, renting is still more strategic than owning a leaf blower. You don’t need to buy equipment you won’t actually use everyday.

Second, consider your time and effort when raking. With the lengthy time and effort involved in manually clearing your yard, you’re losing a lot of opportunities for more productive work. Plus, brooms tend to break easily, so they might not even last a session of cleaning.

Contrary to appearances or general expectations, it’s easy to life a leaf blower for extended periods of time.

Even people who have never used a leaf blower before would find most types to be intuitive to use. With careful use, like avoiding directing the blow onto people’s faces, not much can go wrong with renting a leaf blower.

Types of Leaf Blowers to Rent

There are different types of leaf blowers available in the market. They can be powered by gas, through an electric cord, or with a battery. You can also look at handheld units and backpack models, which tend to be more portable, and wheeled models, which sometimes pack more power.

When looking at what type of leaf blower to rent, you have to think about your needs. The right fit depends on the quantity of leaves you need to handle, the size of your yard, and other factors related to the kind of work you will be dealing with. Your choice will also probably boil down to convenience and budget, on top of speed and efficiency.

Turn to a trusted equipment rental company to guide you into what type of leaf blower to get, and start clearing away your yard this spring.

Written by Lindsey Rentals. Lindsey Rentals offers the best equipment rentals in Columbia, MO.