The Daily Vanguard

Playster Review: Treat Yourself With Books & Audiobooks

Stressed? Feeling low? Never underestimate the power of self-care to help you get back on your feet and feel better. We’ve picked out some of the best self-care books available on multimedia entertainment platform Playster. Find them as books or audiobooks!

The Body Book by Cameron Diaz & Sandra Bark

Cameron Diaz has it all: beauty, charm, and an amazing career. And you could have it too! Discover Cameron Diaz’s secrets to a happy life in The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body. This fad-free read will have you feelin’ good in no time. Let Cameron guide you through the best ways to feed, move and care for your body.

The great thing about this book is that it’s totally backed by science, developing a full-on feel-good plan for your entire being, starting at the molecular level and working up. Learn to make good choices and lead a long, happy life without having to worry about reps or deadlines. The Body Book makes living better easier.

Getting the Pretty Back by Molly Ringwald

You probably know the teenage Molly Ringwald from The Breakfast Club, but now she’s a grown woman with plenty of life advice to share. In Getting the Pretty Back: Friendship, Family, and Finding the Perfect Lipstick, Ringwald dishes on her off-screen life, providing encouraging advice for women to feel great at any age. She’s lost none of the vibrancy that made her THE teen icon of the 1980s, offering accessible, realistic advice on a range of topics from maintaining healthy friendships to pursuing your dreams, eating and exercising right, and encouraging your children to be their best selves.

Molly Ringwald’s book is great because it’s all about making you into the best woman you can be without having to make major changes to your lifestyle. If you’re not into green smoothies and hot yoga but still yearn for self-betterment, Getting the Pretty Back is the book for you.

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

Spark Joy is a follow-up to Marie Kondo’s first book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. If your house is untidy and you can’t decide what should stay and what should go, we can’t explain enough how useful this book will be to you.

It’s no secret that you’ll feel a lot better about yourself in a tidy space. This is where Marie Kondo’s patented KonMari Method comes in handy. KonMari encourages you to gather all your things and determine which items give you joy. These are the items you can keep. Everything else should be discarded. Kondo is careful to emphasize that the focus should be on finding the joy on objects; discarding is secondary, because it’s a negative activity.

Kondo’s quaint, unconventional approach to tidying will help you feel at peace with yourself. Soon you’ll find it perfectly normal to thank objects before throwing them away. You’ll fold your clothes differently. You’ll know how to find the things that bring you joy in life, and you’ll be happier as a result.

Brunette Ambition by Lea Michele

Our favorite Scream Queen and Glee club member’s debut book gave us a glimpse into her life through food, exercise, and beauty regimens. Even if you’re not a vegan, Michele’s dishes are delicious, healthy, and satisfying. Get an exclusive look into her life and learn some basic yoga techniques and how to love yourself. Narrated by Lea Michele herself, the audiobook will inspire you to become your best self.

Whether you’re feeling down or up, check out these self-care books on Playster now. Go on, treat yourself. You deserve it!