The Daily Vanguard

On The Job Safety: Top RN Nursing Injuries (and how to avoid them)

It’s no secret that nurses of all types are worked to the bone. With the combination of long hours and a shortage of medical practitioners as well as a seemingly endless supply of patients, nurses have their work cut out for them. For anyone on the outside of the industry, it may seem that nursing is more about giving shots and administering medication than it is about (literally) backbreaking work. The reality is that nurses have a lot of duties that involve repetitive motions, long hours on their feet, and all types of heavy lifting.

The nursing injury cheat sheet.(According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2012 reports on workplace injuries in the US)

It comes as no surprise that nurses face a lot of danger during their careers. The trick isn’t being scared of the dangers, but learning how to prevent or at least lessen the impact of those dangers. Don’t let the risk of personal injury deter you from taking up a long and rewarding career in Nursing.

Avoiding wrist, back, and ankle sprains:

These are the most common of nursing related injuries and for good reason. Nurses are constantly on their feet for hours on end and are always lifting heavy equipment and people. Nurses are responsible for moving patients from bed to bed and room to room and not everybody weighs the same. To avoid back or wrist injuries while lifting you should:

Avoiding burns, cuts, and infections:

Nurses are lucky to be able to help so many people in so many ways throughout the course of their careers, but the road to that help can be paved with dangerous stuff. Nurses are constantly exposed to people with dangerous and communicable illnesses, as well as sharp and hazardous devices like scalpels and needles. A simple paper cut can quite possible turn into a deadly infection for a nurse due to the fact that they are exposed to many more harmful bacteria than the average worker. To prevent those burns, cuts, and infections:

It seems like there is a lot more to becoming a nurse outside of just acing your NCLEX or making it through your nursing classes. It seems that way, because it’s true. Becoming a nurse, and having a long, healthy career as a nurse requires a lot more of a person than just about any other job. You have to take it upon yourself to make more time for your own care than you would with any other job. Don’t forget that even though taking care of others is extremely rewarding, it is just as important to take care of yourself.