The Daily Vanguard

Moving Your Pet

Often when we are caught up in the stress of moving the effect it has on the family pet is overlooked as a pet owner you know they can be upset by all the activity. Going away on vacation, a visit to the vets or any new addition to the household signal a change in routine for them and is stressful. While there’s no formula that works in every situation, here are some tips from Sunrise Moving & Storage to help make the transition easier.

1)    Prepare an easily accessible overnight kit with dog or cat food, kitty litter and grooming aid to keep them comfy for the first few days.

2)    If you’re moving out of the area inform your vet, take any records and prescription medications your pet has with you. See if they know of any vets in your new neighbourhood they can recommend to you.

3)    On the day of the move try to keep your pet out of the way in an area that is as quiet as possible. If you decided against boarding them in a kennel or leaving them with a friend keep them in an empty room with the door closed. Their kennel in the garage is another option or even in the car making sure it’s a comfortable temperature depending on the weather. Check on them routinely and if you usually walk them every day if possible  stick to their routine to reassure them.

4)    If possible, move your belongings before transporting your animals, getting things set up first will ease their stress. Providing them with familiar toys, feeding bowls and blankets will help with the changes.

5)    Take them to the new house in your own vehicle after securing their kennels with seatbelts in the back seat will allow you to know they’re safe and secure. Larger dogs should be placed in the very back of your car and often covering the kennel with a blanket prevents them from seeing the changing environment outside the car.

6)    Be careful when you arrive at the new place that your animal doesn’t accidently get loose in the unfamiliar surroundings. Let them out of their kennel once you’re inside the home and allow them to adjust. If your pet normally is outside after they adjust you can put them outside or if you’d like to change you cat to being an indoor cat this would be an ideal time to make that change.

7)    Update any tags or microchip information to reflect the new address or phone number.

8)    Some pets that need extra attention when moving are Guinea Pigs than can suffer just from being jostled about, it’s hard on their little hearts. Move fish in plastic bags filled with water from their tank and lastly many a bird unknown to fly has taken flight during a move, these small animals are especially prone to stress from moving.

Thanks to Sunrise Moving & Storage. Contact them if you are looking for one of the best Nanaimo movers.