The Daily Vanguard

Mobility Scooter Buying Guide – Key Points To Consider

There are very few more significant or indeed beneficial investments anyone is ever likely to make in their life than the purchase of a mobility scooter. It may sound like a pretty insignificant purchase and certainly one that’s not entirely pleasant to contemplate, but up and down the UK there are hundreds of thousands of people for whom day to day life would be impossible without their mobility scooters. From those recovering from illness to patients having recently undergone surgery to the elderly and the permanently disabled alike, anywhere there’s the need for assistance in getting around, there’s a fantastic mobility aid to do the job with ease.

Choosing a Scooter

Of course, the fact that there are literally thousands of different makes and models on the market can make it rather tricky to know where to start. It’s common to assume they’re all much of a muchness, but in reality the difference from one scooter to the next really are night and day. Choose wisely and you’ll find yourself benefiting in an extraordinary number of ways day in and day out – choose poorly and you’ll be lumped with something that’s either largely or completely useless to you.

So, assuming that any given person is looking to pick up their first scooter either for personal use or on behalf of someone else, what are the key points to consider?

What Is the Scooter For Primarily?

Well, first of all it’s sensible to think long and hard about the primary purpose of the scooter. Yes, it’s going to be used to help a person get around, but in what sense exactly? The reason being that there’s a very big difference between a scooter purchased to go to the shop 800 metres away once or twice a week and another scooter that’s used to travel several miles day in and day out. There’s a perfect scooter on the market for all needs across the board, but it’s crucial to know what you need and what you want before starting the search process. Think of how far you’ll go, how often and for what purposes – this will make choosing a scooter so much easier.

Where Will the Scooter Be Used?

Along with the specific purpose of the scooter and the journeys it will be used for, it’s crucial to also take into account where it will be put to use. For example, some scooters are fantastic on smooth and relatively flat roads, while others are far better for grassy surfaces and hilly areas. Likewise, there are certain scooters that have been designed to climb and descend small steps and curbs with ease, while others are wholly unable to do so. And while some will go for miles on a single charge, others are suitable only for very short journeys. Map out in your mind where you plan to go and the ground you’ll be travelling on in order to make a sensible decision.

Does the Scooter Need to Be Portable?

Also important to mull over is whether or not you plan to take the scooter away with you for any given reason, or if it’s to be kept at home at all times. This is important for the simple reason that while some scooters are designed to be extremely compact or to fold flat, others are larger, more rigid and incredibly tricky to transport without an adapted vehicle. Many scooter buyers opt for something of a happy medium, which gives them all the benefit of a comfortable and powerful scooter at home with the added bonus of being able to take it on trips when going away for any reason. If unsure, ask about a scooter’s portability before reaching a final decision.

Will You Be Using it At Home?

Last but not least, this is undoubtedly one of the most important considerations of all and yet is overlooked surprisingly often. If you are planning to use your scooter at home or around the garden, it’s imperative that you choose a model that’s compatible with where you live. This means taking into account things like width and manoeuvrability as many of the scooter types on the market in general would be wholly unable to fit through a standard doorframe. What’s more, even if you don’t intend to use the scooter for getting around at home, you might want to think carefully about where you plan to store it. If you’re in a very small home with little space for example, the biggest and bulkiest scooter on the market might not be the best idea.