The Daily Vanguard

Is Your Home’s Interior Looking Tired? Try These Simple Renovation Ideas!

Home interiors look great when they are new, or have just had a modern makeover. The thing is, after a few years they look tired and worn. In fact, they might even look like no-one has ever maintained their appearance!

When you live in a house or apartment with other people, you can’t always control how they treat the interior of your home. Aside from that, there are other things out of your control. For example, you might have damage to your walls caused by mold or leaking water pipes.

Have you decided that enough’s enough and that you want to revamp the interior of your abode? The following tips will inspire you to transform your home into one that you can enjoy once again:

Paint your Walls

I know that sounds like an obvious statement to make, but you should treat your walls to some fresh paint!

As you know, you can buy interior paint in a plethora of colors. I recommend matt emulsion paint for your walls, and gloss for your baseboards, doors and door frames. Some people prefer to use vinyl silk emulsion for their walls if they are prone to condensation. There are many different types of paint you can buy, so it’s worth checking which ones you need for your home.

Before you start painting, make sure that you prepare the area first. You need to cover all flooring and furniture with sheets so that you don’t accidentally splatter paint on them. Next, you need to sand down any rough areas to achieve a smooth finish. Finally, clean your walls to prevent dirt contaminating your fresh paint!

Fit Some Modern Lighting in your Rooms

Does your home feel like a cave lit up by candles in the evening? If so, it’s time to invest in some new lighting. You don’t need me to tell you how many light fitting options are on the market. It all comes down to personal taste.

To help you get started, click here to see some examples of apartments that use modern and fresh lighting solutions in each room. Alternatively, do a Google Image search for “home interior lights” to see what different styles you might like.

Do you suffer from S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? If so, you can use this opportunity to upgrade the light bulbs in your home. It’s possible to buy some energy-saving “daylight” bulbs in many fitting styles. They emit a light akin to what you get from the sun.

I’ve installed a few of those bulbs in my home, and they make all the difference. Thanks to those bulbs, I’ll never have to put up with ones that offer those “warm” glows!

Get Some Stylish Curtains

Last, but not least, it’s time to get rid of your old curtains and buy some stylish new ones! Curtains can brighten up any room and complement the style and features of each area.

For bedrooms, I suggest buying “blackout” curtains so that you don’t find yourself waking up too early because of the sun!