The Daily Vanguard

Internet Security Decoded and Counter Designed By Black Hat Community

Computer security related to the internet is referred to as internet security that concerns with browser security and network security on a rather basic level and is applicable to all the operating systems generally. The internet is very large and it allows the channeling of huge information which makes possible actions like phishing, internet fraud and intrusion. Encryption and similar programs are thus used to protect the data when it is transferred or exchanged on the internet. Internet security is very crucial in avoiding such cyber crimes and internet security has certain rules established with measures to use against such internet crimes.

Some of the loopholes or vulnerabilities that are commonly associated with the internet and which is made use of by hackers for personal gains like stealing from ATMs, etc.

Blackhat Search Engine Optimization —what does this mean?

Did you know that a Black Hat is a term that was ideally given to a hacker who had the ability to hack one’s computer easily? This would lead to leaking of all the information saved on the computer and even compromise on the security. However, black hat search engine optimization is where the search engine rankings of the website is improvised and this is done by following varied methods and tactics. All this is ideally done to trick the search engines and ensure that the search engine recognizes your website easily. The blackhat community is a platform similar to that of social media that allows every individual to discuss and learn new techniques.

The Role of Black Hat Community in Internet Security

Black Hat community is a special community that detects such loopholes and vulnerabilities found in the internet security. They not only detect it but provide counteractive measures to overcome these problems. The Black Hat community deals with various computer related security issues and different means of combating the same. Such Black Hat communities host annual conferences or Black Hat briefings. It is one of kind legitimate Black Hat conferences where both representatives of government agencies and also hackers attend the briefings.

Black Hat in fact is one of the world’s premier security conferences that are attended by hackers and government security officials as well. It is a Hacker event attended by internet security and government cyber security personals to learn about the tricks and tactics to catch hold of cyber criminals. Most of the internet security vendors also provide presentations that in fact point out at the vulnerabilities that can be made used f in the devices for personal gains.

Hacking Internet Security: who could do it?

Social engineering; a person with skills and expertise in social engineering can be a successful Hacker or Black hat hacker. They are very efficient in creating botnet and takedown orders. Recent times have seen Black hat hackers evolve from manual hacking to automated software employed for hacking purposes. By using SQLi, advanced and even basic XSS, CSRF and DNS cache poisoning these hackers target sites or vulnerabilities to leak information related to internet security. These internet security hackers are well versed in programming languages also like Python, Perl, C, C++, C#, Ruby, SQL, PHP, ASP, etc.

Black Hat Conferences Educating About Internet Securities

Experts and security personals attending the Back Hat conferences deliver presentations which provide knowledge regarding both the aspects of hacking that include topics like how to hack a particular system and also training on various methods and tools employed to gain fool proof internet security protecting it from various hackers and cyber criminals. Such conferences are attended by US Federal agents who deal with cyber crimes in particular. In fact for US Federal agents the seminar is exclusively held in Washington DC.