The Daily Vanguard

Improving Your Site Design to Convert Your Visitors Into Paying Customers

If you track the traffic to your website, you may be confused as to why you have a lot of visitors but not an increase in profitability. Your lack of paying customers could be any number of things, although your site’s design could be to blame.

Here are some tips for improving your site’s design to help turn your visiting, potential customers into paying ones:

Prove That You’re Trustworthy

We live in an age where anyone can create a webpage, and there are over a billion on the Internet. We all know that some are good and others are untrustworthy can be dangerous to click. So, as a business owner with a website, how do you prove to your customers that you are trustworthy?

There are a lot of features you should add, like a secure checkout, but your design can make you easier to trust, too. First, testimonials or the number of customers you’ve served can be helpful. Some experts even recommend having a live Twitter feed or “Live Chat” for 24/7 customer inquiries or support.

Secondly, make your return policy and privacy statements easy to read and easy to spot on your home page. Finally, consider your use of color. The color blue is associated with trust, so it’s smart to utilize this color in some parts of your design.

Include Social Media

Social media buttons are easy to add to the design of your website, but some business owners forget to add them. Many people assume that social media is for a younger audience and maybe young consumers aren’t your target audience. Regardless of demographic, add social media buttons in a place that will be easy to find.

Not only will it show customers that you are “in the know” and relevant, but it’s a great opportunity for some free advertising.

Mobile Friendly Design

Making your website mobile-friendly is a “must have” these days. Fortunately, this is easy to achieve using eHost website builder, which makes your design mobile-friendly on a variety of devices from smartphones to tablets.

With more people choosing to shop online and a growing number of shoppers using their smartphones to buy, you can lose an otherwise easy sale if your site doesn’t work well on the go.

Focus on Ease of Navigation

Your website may be one of the best-looking sites on the web, with great content and a plethora of information that will improve your sales, but if it’s hard to navigate it’s worthless. Most customers don’t want to spend time trying to figure out how to get around on your site, even if they love it, and they are likely to move onto another website.

Make your site’s design easy to use for everyone and you are sure to see more sales.

Allow Customers to Contact You

As an online business, you may never hear from a customer, especially if your site is designed to take care of everything. Even if this is the case, it’s important to let your customers know they can contact you if they need to. Whether you offer live customer support or have an email address or phone number, this will make your business more believable and trustworthy.