The Daily Vanguard

How Your Auto Glass Can Survive Cold Winters

As August comes to an end, colder months will soon come knocking your door. The tough winter season brings with it freezing temperatures, icy roads and along with it is the endless fogging on your car’s windshield. It can be frustrating to go to work on a cold morning, but adding car maintenance in your morning routine makes it more frustrating.

Below are a few tips from First Response Glass you can use for your car windshield during the cold winter months.

Defrost before scraping ice.

Windshield today are much tougher and durable as compared to the older windshield, however, it can succumb to damage with repeated scraping. A small imperfection or chip in your windshield can result in a bigger crack or damage if you apply too much force or pressure while trying to scrape off the ice. There special sprays available in most auto car shop you can purchase that is made to aid in melting ice, therefore lessening the force you need to apply while you are scraping. To prevent damage to your windshield during the winter season, make sure to turn on the defroster for a few minutes before you scrape off the ice.

Avoid putting water directly on your windshield.

During the winter season, if your car is parked outside your house, it’s exposed to cold air, snow and ice. Just make sure not to put hot or lukewarm water directly on your windshield because chances are it may crack your windshield.

Avoid parking under trees and branches.

Falling branches can be very common during winter, particularly after an ice and snow storm. Heavy snow tends to mount up in tree branches, weighing them down and making them susceptible to breakage. Aside from being a safety concern, cars parked under such trees can be damaged with the falling branches.

Have small chips and cracks repaired promptly.

Even if you are careful enough in taking care of your car during winter, it is still possible that your windshield will get damaged. If it does, make sure that you bring your car to a reliable auto glass professional as early as possible. Regrettably, a small crack or chip on your windshield can result in a bigger problem in a small span of time if left alone. Small cracks or chips can be easily repaired, but if you just let it be it can easily become large especially in cold weather. If the problem becomes a large crack then you may end up having to replace the whole windshield, which is very expensive. If you do decide to have your windshield repaired, just be sure to follow aftercare instructions given to you by the auto glass professional.

If you are in the Victoria BC area, Victoria glass company First Response Glass for auto glass repair services.