The Daily Vanguard

How To Pick The Right Web Hosting For Your Business

If you are just starting a website for your business then the entire process can be a little scary. How could you possibly know which web hosting service to pick to begin? There are a few steps you should follow to ensure you get the appropriate web hosting service for your website. Here are some factors to help you decide on the right web hosting for your business.

Pricing & Plans

First you need to decide how many websites your business will manage. There are different plans and pricing for each web hosting service that will be right for you. If you know, you will only ever have the one website, then the most basic plan will almost always be the appropriate plan. Just because some services offer free hosting, it does not mean they will be appropriate for your business. Most web hosting services today include free domain name registration as well.

Technical Support

If you are new to website development and design, it will be important to pick a web host with great technical support. You want to look for 24-hour customer support with online chat support or via phone. If email support is your preference, ensure they are quick to respond to any problems.

Control Panel & Website Builder

It has become the industry standard to use cPanel as the control panel to easily manage all aspects of your website in one simple spot. The cPanel is straightforward and has everything you need to get your website running smoothly. Although, be aware that not all web hosting plans include a free website builder. Finding a plan that includes the website builder for free will save you money and help you build your website smoothly.

Disk Space & Bandwidth

Nearly all web hosts provide unlimited or 100 GB of disk space for your site. Most sits usually don’t go over using 20 GB of space, so whether or not you choose unlimited or 100 GB, it will not matter too much. A site with 20 pages will generally use 1 MB. Unless you envision your business’ site getting over 200 pages, you will not need the unlimited space. You can always find a web host that offers the option to upgrade your disk space and bandwidth should you need it down the road.


Using a web host that has security features will be important for you site. According to experts from web hosting 90-Systems, it is an obligatory for a host to have strong security mechanisms in order to protect your website against being hacked as well as eliminating any downtime. Find a service that automatically backs up your site on a daily basis. A site with a lot of downtime will lose visitors. Also look for a web host that provides anti-spam because websites are prone to getting an insufferable amount of spam from humans and bots.

Site and Traffic Growth

A lot of the free hosting services are fine for sites that are small and do not expect an increase in traffic. Using these free services will make it difficult to transfer your site to a new hosting provider should you see an increase in traffic. You want to think about your new website in the longer term, hoping to get more traffic and visitors.