The Daily Vanguard

How to Increase Your Company’s Exposure on Facebook

Why do you need ‘Likes’

Whether you run a business page or a page related to a hobby; getting likes increases your page’s popularity and exposure. It also lets you know what content your fans approve of the most and how to tread in the future. As likes are the most obvious proof of success of a Facebook page, it’s important to focus most of your efforts towards getting more and more likes.

Like Gate

There are many ways to get likes on your Facebook page. You can get them by posting interesting content on your page regularly, or you can opt for the easier route and Buy Likes to give your page a push in popularity. Alternatively you can also try to use some tricks such as ‘Like-Gate’ to get more likes on your page. It is a simple image that stops users from accessing any content be it a contest or an image on your page until they like your page first. Of course this only works if you have something to genuinely interest users.

A wonderful example of this is running a contest. Say for example you run an education related page; for you the most in demand content would be revision notes or something along those lines. With the Like-Gate feature the content will stay hidden until the user likes it thereby increasing the amount of likes you get.

Facebook Adverts

Ever see those ads on the side of your Facebook profiles or newsfeed? Those adverts are a major source of receiving likes on your page since they allow you to target your audience specifically. The only drawback is that the ads appear on the sides of any Facebook page while the user is browsing meaning he isn’t searching for anything specifically. So an incentive will need to be provided if you want him to like your page. Something along the lines of “Like us to get __________” has been known to work great.

You can also spend extra and get your page to appear in those sponsored adverts that pop up in the middle of the newsfeed making it more likely to be noticed by the user. This is especially handy if your page deals in news or gossip since the user will think you broke the news first as your page’s news link was noticed by them first.

There you have it; some tried and tested ways to get more likes for your page. Just remember not to go overboard with any of these suggestions and deploy them in a balanced manner to extract maximum benefit.