The Daily Vanguard

How To Earn The Money On Writing

If you are good at writing, you can actually make some nice money online. Even if you are a beginner, and you write simple and short articles there are websites which will pay quite well. Then, over time you can become a truly proficient writer focusing on more complex website content and branding strategies that pay greater amounts of money.

  1. Teckler– this website actually pays a revenue share of up to 70% to its writers. Besides writing articles, you can also earn money by sharing video files and photos too. Minimum payout is set at $0.50.
  2. DailyTwoCents– yet another platform where you are paid $0.05 per view of the article you post. Minimum payout is $5, and they issue payments on a monthly basis. In order to get the payment, the visitor needs to spend at least 30 seconds “watching” or “reading” your post.
  3. HubPages– you can quickly and easily join and then upload your article. After the team members approve it, and you have created your own Google AdSense account, you can start earning money. Minimum payout is when you have $100 in your account.
  4. BubbleWS– this is basically a social network with a revenue share function. For each view you will get $0.01, and for each comment you get the same amount. Penny by penny you can earn some money here too…
  5. TextBroker– one drawback is that only people from the US can join. After the staff reviews your article, they can pay you anything between $0.007 and $0.05 per word. The article needs to be minimum 700 words long, and they will issue payments to your PayPal once a month.
  6. ShoutMeLoud-You can submit your articles here, and after you also place your AdSense account you can start earning money. This site will not earn you too much money, maybe a few dollars a month but it is worth trying as it is an additional income source.
  7. WorldStart- If you are into the best tech tips, you could start sharing such information with interested people. At WorldStart they pay even up to $50 for such Technology tips blogs.
  8. ListVerse– Are you good with Top 10 lists? Then, if you can write a challenging and interesting article that is minimum 1,500 words long, they can pay you even $100 for it. All you have to do is fill out a simple article submission form online.
  9. Posting on your own website– if you own a blog, you can certainly make money there too. Post your content, get companies to advertise on your site and cash in some money. Just make sure your website has a lot of daily visitors so that companies will be interested to post ads there!
  10.– truly popular platform publishing content about literally everything. Once you post your articles here and you are successful, you will not only earn good money but build a serious online reputation.
  11. Tuts+ If you are interested in creating apps, logos or games, this is the site for you. Actually, you could earn even up to $250 for a full “How to” Tutorial or a fully functional app. In order to get access however, you need to be a very good expert in your niche!
  12. Pukitz-this is a platform dedicated to “niche blogging”. It means that you will have to write in only one single niche, until you reach 30 posts. The site pays $0.50 for a 500 word article.
  13. iWriter– you can enter easy and earn quite well here. They pay $1.25 for an article of 150 words. The site pays out when you reached at least $20 in your account.

Even though you will not get rich on these websites, but you can certainly add some extra money to your main income. Would an extra $100 or $200 per month hurt your wallet?

John J. Hamilton is a freelance writer and content manager. Everyone can visit his contacts page to get more info about his writing projects. In the past he worked as a journalist.