The Daily Vanguard

How To Cope With Financial Disappointment

Some useful tips and the roadmap to overcome the financial disappointment are given in a life coach Christine Hassler’s new book “Expectation Hangover: Overcoming Disappointment in Work, Love, and Life”.

Monetary difficulties, which may be caused by various reasons often include not only financial aspect but emotional as well. Still Christine Hassler considers disappointments may become a useful experience for good.

In her own words, she always advises to the companies hiring the college graduates who managed to cope with a certain pitfall, as they are most likely to have been taught already to be persistent, disciplined and modest.

The years of  Great Recession  offered many people chances to learn those skills, and Hassler was not an exception as she was in the process of a divorce while being financially dependent on her husband. Yet she managed to build her own business and to become more successful and happier than she was before.

Right at that time she met a lot of clients suffering from the fact that their reality did not meet their expectations. Millennials were the ones mostly suffering. But only people having degree and passion to work could succeed.

Christine now is ready to provide some advice and tips of going out of the darkness for those who are in a similar difficult financial state.

1.  Allow yourself to revel in your grief

Every loss should be got over, loss of job as well. Turn to someone who may help you to consider all your options and opportunities after having recovered from the initial shock. It may be a coach, a mentor, an advisor.

2. Support the attitude of abundance

Hassler is sure that her business has strived, because she did not allow a thought that people have to be cut back. She also continued visiting massage, therapist and her own coach. She simply did not allow herself to be victimized, but looked for the ways to generate more income. Now she also advises to concentrate on the non-cash aspects of the abundance; close friends are included here.

3. Focus on the skills gained

Without any doubt there are useful skills and experience you have gained on your former place of employment. Find out each and every gift you had got and focus on it.

4. Define your next steps

Sometimes a career setback may mean that you earn minimum wage a bit longer than you planned to and have to turn to a direct cash advance lender  from time to time to bridge your money shortage. But nowadays online educational courses are available and you can master new skills in your free time. Sometimes experiments may become a real way to success.

5. Stay in the flow

It’s often very useful to allow yourself to be guided by the universe a bit, be attentive to the signs and opportunities the Universe provides you with and make use of every chance offered. Learn to make your elevator pitch perfect for this.

6. Take care of yourself

Spending money on one’s own development is the best investment one can make. Self-care is the vital aspect of the financial recovery which one may make use of. Hire a coach to deal with your goals, join the online educational course or go on a retreat with people, thinking like you.

It may seem simple and complicated at the same time, but it has proven to be effective.