The Daily Vanguard

How to Choose a Big Data Solution for Business Analytics

With so many companies turning to Big Data Analytics (BDA), it’s not so much a problem of availability, but more so an issue of how to choose the right one for your needs. From the most well-known providers, right through to new and emerging vendors – knowing which one to choose can make a huge difference to your potential success with BDA.

What to consider

There are many factors that should go into your decision and as tempting as it can be to dive into the first service that catches your attention; approach your choice carefully and do the research. In this guide, we’ll be sharing information on the main elements to think about before you make a selection.


A good place to start when thinking about a BDA provider is its reputation. Companies like Microsoft are so well-known that they can’t afford to risk their reputation, but that doesn’t mean that new competitors to the market should be written off. These newer services are often eager to please and so you might find them to be far more user-oriented than the bigger boys that already know what they are worth.


The cost of a service is also something to think about. More expensive doesn’t always mean a better service; in fact, many larger organizations will charge more because of their name carrying more weight. Generally speaking however, the more you pay, the more features you can expect to receive, but even with this in mind, it’s still worth weighing up the costs for different vendors to find one that offers what you’re looking for, at a price that suits your budget.


Any big data consulting company will tell you that above all else, reliability is key. You could find a service with the best selection of features at the most affordable price, but if their server doesn’t run consistently, if their results are inconsistent, or if you can’t get through to an advisor when needed – you’ll be wishing that you spent your hard-earned cash elsewhere. A good way to identify the reliability of a company is via reviews, but be sure that they are authentic.


Some people are happy with basic features, while others want the fullest package imaginable. As a result, many BDA services will offer varying options at different prices. Before signing up with a service provider, a good idea would be to get to grips with their features. Most will display their key features in bullet-point format, making it easy for you to compare the things that you’re looking for with the ones that are irrelevant to your needs.


Lastly, there’s compatibility to consider. A good BDA will be widely compatible and allow files to be imported and exported with minimal fuss. The wider the compatibility, the more data sharing and extraction you’ll be able to enjoy.

Are you ready to make your choice?

With all of the above considered, you should be much closer to deciding on the right BDA for your requirements. When in doubt, reach out to a specialist consultant for advice and we’re sure you’ll end up making the right decision.