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How Important Are Music Lessons to Children?

For many generations, music has been an integral part of human culture. It is a well-known fact that musical experiences can help accelerate brain development at a young age.

At Powell Academy of Music, we recognize and understand the vast array of benefits learning music can bring to the life of your little one.

What Is the Right Age for a Child to Begin Music Lessons?

Well, there is no one-fits-all answer to this question. Every child is different in their pleasant ways, and while one child might be ready at three or four years, another might need to wait for a little longer. We have compiled a list you can use as a guide to help you determine whether your child is ready for music lessons. We recommend you wait until your little one possesses several of the abilities listed below.

Your child can focus on a specific task for a substantial period

Like any other skill, learning an instrument is a process that requires concentration and constant repetition. To start making progress in the art of playing music, your child will need to be able to follow instructions and focus keenly for several minutes every day. For the best results, it is also essential that they internalize what they learn during the lesson and apply it later when practicing at home.

Your child has expressed interest

Children are often curious about every little thing they come across, and exposing them to music at an early age can be a great idea. Their musical experiences can spark an interest in them about the art of creating music themselves. Instead of pushing your little one towards a specific instrument, exposing them to different instruments might be a good idea. As they grow, they will be better positioned to pick out the one they like.

If you find them messing around with the guitar or piano you have at home, you may want to consider music lessons.

Your child enjoys reciting letters and counting numbers

Music is a technical art that requires one to understand keys and chords. This is why your kid must have a basic understanding of letters and numbers before embarking on their musical journey. Ideally, your child should be able to recite the alphabet from A to G (preferably, forwards and backward) and count from 1 to 10. These techniques will make it much easier to understand the basic music concepts.

Your child fits the instrument

Although there is a wide array of musical instruments available, not all are suitable for kids. In most cases, children primarily begin the musical experience with piano, cello, or violin lessons, because the instruments are pretty child-friendly. Guitars are also available in smaller sizes suitable for smaller hands.

Starting with one of these instruments will give your child an upper hand even when they decide to transition to another instrument.

Benefits of Music Lessons for Your Child

Now that you have determined whether your child is ready to delve into the musical world, you might be wondering how it may potentially impact their development and wellbeing. Here are some of the benefits your child might reap from music lessons.

Builds social skills

Music often requires several people to play in a group where they have to work together to achieve a common goal. By learning to play in a group, your child will be able to exercise patience, tolerance, and appreciation of their peers.

Improved language skills

Learning an instrument exposes your child to different sounds, which help train their ears for nuances and other subtle language sounds.

Increased IQ

According to a study done by E. Glenn Schellenberg in 2004, it is scientifically proven that even a few weeks of music lessons can go a long way in improving your child’s IQ. Brain scans revealed that brain activity is significantly increased after musical training. Some parts of the brain are even known to grow larger.

Improved motor skills and muscle development

Children need to learn how to coordinate the entire body to keep the rhythm going. They must also get used to making different motions with their hands simultaneously.

Develops confidence

Learning a skill from scratch and developing it over time until they can play solid pieces of music confidently gives your child an unmatched sense of pride that oozes to other areas of their lives.