The Daily Vanguard

How Education Can be Applied in Real Life?

Today, education is already become a cultural practice. In fact, for millennia, education has already become an important part for the progressive development of the civilization. Many thousands of years ago, early modern human passed down information on how to work with tools. The progression of the knowledge is accelerated when people started to become literate, by adding the ability to read and write. In this case, we should make sure that no one is denied the proper opportunity to acquire the proper knowledge. In many parts of the world, it is considered a criminal offense not to send children to school, this is particularly true in developed countries; but not in 3rd world countries. In many cases, education can’t be obtained properly, due to the lack of fund or educational infrastructure. Although it is possible to survive in the modern world without formal education; it is very likely that the person will have much reduced quality of life. Education shouldn’t be considered a luxury, it needs to be seen as a necessity. In different parts of the world, there are differences in the level and demand for education. Education can be so essential that people make significant sacrifices to acquire them. In this case, parents will be willing to give everything to make sure that their children will be able to succeed in school. In this case, we will need to make sure that children can obtain the proper educational training.

However, one of the biggest questions is about the relevance of our education to the practical and real life. Both educators and students should know at what extent the education process is good enough in addressing challenges in real life. This is an important thing that needs to be asked. We should obtain an insight how the education could have proper impact in our lives. It is commonly believed that education is expected to improve the overall standard of living among graduates. It is clear that education should be seen as a means to an end, depending on the final life goals of each individual. By having an education process that is not related to our requirement and life goals, we essentially obtain a product that has little values in our lives. It means that education can’t become a means to an end, if we can’t use it to achieve our life goals. It is clear that vast majority of financially successful individuals are well educated. It is true that financial crises and struggles can still happen among educated people. This isn’t related to the inability of current education process to assist people in managing real life challenges. We know that there is nothing that can allow us to ensure success in the world.

It is important to know about the likely incentive of going to school. There are many things that can provide us with good information on how school should be managed. In this case, things may change significantly, but negative effects can be minimized, if we know how the education can be applied to real life.