The Daily Vanguard

Hot Tech Toys You Should Be Watching For This Fall

Tech geeks love new high-tech toys, and this fall promises some exciting new offerings for techies of all ages. Are you in need of a tech fix? Here are some hot tech toys you should be watching for this fall:


There have been rumors for months that Apple would be the first to introduce a Smartwatch to the tech market, but two other big names have beat Apple to it, leaving in-the-know tech geeks in deep debate over whose is best. Whether you choose to try the sleek Sony Smartwatch 2 or the wrist armor-like Samsung Galaxy Gear, you can be sure to turn heads (and probably get a lot of demonstration requests) when you sport a Smartwatch. This might not be your traditional idea of a toy . . . but it’s sure to bring you hours of entertainment, and for a price tag of between $200 and $300.

Surface Tension Arcade Tables

Priced at anywhere between $3000 and $6000, these tables come in a variety of sizes and styles, and are the perfect accent for any room that needs some livening up. Adults and children alike will appreciate the built-in arcade controls and computerized game interface. Some of the higher-end versions even come equipped with a PC and/or HDTV connection capabilities.

Anki Drive

Anki is a relatively new San Francisco-based company that is taking the tech world by storm with its promising advances in robotics and artificial intelligence. Its first offering to enter the market, called Anki Drive, is a toy racing car with a twist. It actually navigates along an invisible track (by way of optical sensors) and can adjust its movements in relation to objects (and other Anki Drive cars) around it. What’s more is that you can use your iPhone to remotely steer it! Anki Drive will be available this fall for a relatively low $200.

Intuos Creative Stylus

Turn your smart phone or tablet into a modern sketch pad with this top-notch stylus. Offering the option of 2048 sensitivity adjustments, the Intuos Creative Stylus is THE choice for artists, designers, and professionals of all sorts who are looking for pencil and paper-like results from a high-tech convenience. Get your hands on one for a mere $100.

Google Chromecast

For only $35, you can stream videos from your computer or mobile device directly to your television using this small gadget. As long as your computing device is loaded with Google Chrome, you can plug the Chromecast into your USB port and watch videos on your big screen from services like Youtube, Netflix, Devour, and more.

There is no shortage of great high tech toys this coming fall. The only problem will be deciding which to invest in first.

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons