The Daily Vanguard

Gamification In Education: Top 5 Online Tools

The gaming industry continues to grow significantly since the evolution of the computer age while at the same time attracting both young and old people into exploring the advancements. Education has not lagged behind too in the age of equipment with the several advancements s aimed at simplifying the manner in which students and teachers interact with each other to produce exemplary results.

The programming language used in making computer games plays a vital role in transforming the gamification in education specifically to the younger students.

Higher education institutions require a lot of commitment from prospective students into preparation for the admission exams and interviews. The personal statement for university has its formation as early as a student begins the journey of education at the tender age progressively to the point of attending the school.

The following gamification tools work well enough with the younger generation who love games and raise the aspect of making learning a fun process such as playing computer games.

  1. The Class Dojo

The gamification of education through the class dojo platforms tries to cement the relationship between the children, teachers and their parents by ensuring constant communication updates. The game runs on both online and mobile devices with bright graphics that provide clarity and keeping the users who are the younger kids. The teachers and parents track the performance of their children through regular feedback from the class dojo.

  1. The Minecraftedu

Minecraft remains one of the outstanding gaming options available on the internet for children, and it has been converted to serve the educational needs in the classroom for students and educators. The servers of the game continuously get updates on its library to ensure the students have access to a variety of subjects to study through a cloud-based system. The Minecraftedu works to ensure there exist constant communication between the teachers and the class students.

  1. Play Brighter

The application Play Brighter works hand in hand with gaming concepts to create a classroom setting on the platform to capture the attention of the younger students. Through the application, students build an atmosphere of the class with the colorful UI that attracts the attention of the students and the set question arranged in multiples. The Play Brighter application mainly composed of a design that works well to aid teachers to govern their classrooms better.

  1. Virtonomics

Virtonomics collaborates with a design that aims at helping students in higher education learning institutions develop personal statement structure to work with their teachers. The platform accepts professionals all over the world creating a virtual economy to serve the needs of varying business people. The member logged into the platform share their experiences and ideologies on running successful businesses.

  1. Course Hero

The platform developed by Course Hero works to avail the necessary learning documents and availing tutors to help students create economic personal statement to match their skills. Students in universities and high school employ Course Hero in their studies through the courses developed on the platform to improve student knowledge.


The number platforms developed to gamify education consistently rise in numbers to improve the quality of their outputs and bind education with gaming applications.