The Daily Vanguard

Enjoying New Years At Home

Never underestimate the opportunity to spend New Year’s Eve with your family. It’s a great way to bond, have fun together and experience the New Year with your loved ones. Here are some good ways to spend quality time with your family this New Years

Cook a Great Meal

This is the night to have all the food that you and your family may not normally make at home to due expense or effort. Eating out on New Year’s Eve is often expensive, so this is a good excuse to splurge a little more on a home-cooked meal. Ask family members to contribute their skills and resources to help turn it into a massive feast. A tip would be to delegate as well. Assign each person the responsibility of a different task, recipe or course. Various food choices could include seafood, fish or vegetarian options. Don’t forget fresh salads and maybe tapas type dishes to keep the food in a varied manner.

Decide things to do together

There are plenty of things to spend fun time doing together on New Year’s Eve, depending on where you live and the climate you’re in. Such activities include:

Create a New Year’s Resolution Together

Get everyone in a circle and ask everyone to announce their New Year’s resolutions. Many people like making new resolutions for the coming year, but don’t push too hard if someone wants to keep theirs a secret.

Find the Right Place

As winter draws it’s easy to put off those big buying decisions, but don’t forget to ensure you’re in the right place altogether. It could be you’ve outgrown your home or you’d like somewhere located better for you. Either way, speak to an estate agent to understand what your options are.

Keep an Eye on the Clock

Try to think up a great idea for the countdown and plan it in advance. Choose something that rings in the New Year properly and let your neighbours know you’re having more fun than they are! Several suggestions are:

And finally don’t forget to kiss your significant other or date at midnight! If you’re not romantically attached, a simple kiss on the cheek to someone you care about will do the trick.