The Daily Vanguard

Effects Of Teeth-whitening and How To Maintain The Teeth

Ugliness of the teeth because of smoking, bad eating habits or wrong food may result in complications and certain diseases. Those affected with bad looks of their teeth often go for teeth whitening that may put adverse effects. Professional guys like Dentists in Solihull must be consulted in this regard.

Side Effects (i) – Those undergoing teeth whitening may be affected as under during the teeth whitening process –

Side Effects (ii) – Certain ill effects may be caused after the whitening procedure is over. The teeth may suffer from hot and cold stimuli and sensitivity. Those having undergone the teeth whitening procedure may be affected with the following –

Warning – It is worth mentioning that no clinic in the world can claim of providing permanent whiteness to the teeth. Those undergoing the whitening process may enjoy the whiteness for one or a maximum of three years. The effects of whitening start diminishing after a lapse of time. One should stay away from red wine, soda and other such harmful things that may destroy the beauty of the whitened teeth.

Teeth whitening procedure may not suit each and every person. Use of chemicals in the whiteners may harm the lactating and pregnant women. This procedure should be avoided by the persons that are affected with sensitivity of teeth and peroxide allergies etc. Those having the crowns on their teeth, restorations and filling should also avoid teeth whitening.

How to maintain the teeth – Prominent dental professionals including Dentists in Solihull suggest use of good toothpaste, good oral health and daily brushing of the teeth to keep them in intact manners. Those suffering from any tooth problems must visit the experienced dentists. Alcohol and tobacco must be avoided at all costs. Junk and spicy foods are also not good for our teeth that may be harmed due to wrong eating habits too.