The Daily Vanguard

eCommerce and Branding: Reasons To Manufacture Top-Quality Screen Printed Products

 “The reason it seems that price is all your customers care about is that you haven’t given them anything else to care about.”- Seth Godin, American author, entrepreneur, marketer, and public speaker

The modern consumer is no longer interested in purchasing products based purely on price. They are interested in the whole package that a particular brand has to offer. Aspects such as product quality, the brand’s focus and message, as well as customer service are all important to the global consumer.

In other words, the brand has to convince its target audience why they should invest in the brand. As Seth Godin notes in his quotation mentioned above, the brand needs to give the consumer reasons to care about or buy the products linked to the brand.

Branding: Ways to ensure a successful brand

As mentioned above, there are several aspects to a successful brand. Here is a list of the more important elements:


Delivering a high-quality product is a vital part of any successful brand. For example, if your brand consists of a range of screen printed products, you need to be 100% confident that the goods offered for sale in your online store are of the best quality.

Consequently, the question that needs to be asked and answered is how to ensure that your shipped products are of the highest quality.

The first step is to make sure that the raw materials used during the manufacturing process are of the highest quality.

Secondly, the machinery used to produce the end product such as CNC Vacuum Tables also need to be of the highest calibre.

Thirdly, and finally, the protective packaging needs to be sufficient to protect the product while it is shipped to the customer.

Message or emotive appeal

Consumers want to know what your brand will do for them? In other words, how will it enhance their lives and the lives of the people around them?

The Forbes Coaches Council in their article titled “13 Key Strategies for Building a Successful Brand In Today’s Economy” states that a “key way to build a successful brand is to use emotive appeal by creating an association between the product or service and an emotion.”

Ergo, a brand that understands the fundamental aspirations of its target audience and actively helps its audience to achieve its goals and desires will end up as a successful brand.

Value for money

Are the products that are linked to your brand value for money? In other words, not only does your price need to be good, you need to offer an excellent service to your target audience.

People remember how they are treated rather than how cheap a product is. They want to know whether they can trust you and your brand before they purchase your brand.

The importance of great customer service has been amplified with the advent of social media. Brands cannot afford to have negative reviews about them go viral because consumers rely on social media for product reviews. Therefore, any number of negative reviews will be enough to sink your brand and company.