The Daily Vanguard

Don’t Overlook These Vital Types Of Restaurant Insurance

You put a lot of hard work into growing your restaurant. As you undoubtedly know, running a successful restaurant involves a lot more than just having good food. It takes business know-how. In fact, some of the most important aspects of running a successful eatery are handled in the back office, far away from the kitchen and dining room.

That’s why restaurant insurance is so important. It’s a necessary element that protects all of the hard work and investment that you’ve put into building your establishment. With the right restaurant insurance policy, you don’t have to worry about getting bankrupted by a lawsuit from a customer who got sick from a meal. You don’t have to panic about replacing broken kitchen equipment. And you don’t have to stress about claims or lawsuits stemming from an employee who slips and falls in the kitchen. Restaurant insurance protects you and your investment so you don’t lose everything you’ve worked so hard to create.

As experienced agents providing restaurant insurance in Houston, we can tell you that restaurant insurance isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of policy. There are many different types of protection that can go into a restaurant insurance policy, so it’s important to make certain that your plan truly provides your business with the complete protection it needs. Beyond the obvious things like general liability insurance and property coverage, there are some often overlooked types of coverage that get overlooked by restaurant owners.

With that in mind, here are some of the lesser known, but equally important types of insurance you should look for when shopping for restaurant insurance in Texas.

Does your restaurant insurance policy truly protect your business? If not, talk to the experts at Food & Beverage Insurance Agency. We specialize in restaurant insurance in Houston and all across the state of Texas. For more information about restaurant insurance in Texas, visit our site at