The Daily Vanguard

Don’t Miss the Boat! Tips for Last-Minute Cruise Preparation

Planning to take a cruise for your next vacation? Did you know you can save a bundle if you take advantage of a last-minute cruise deal? However, with last-minute cruise deals come last-minute cruise preparation, so before you snag that cheap Caribbean cruise that departs in 10 days, make sure you’re prepared to go. Here are some ways to ensure you’re ready to embark on an exciting sea voyage:

Check and Double-Check Your Passport and Travel Paperwork

This seems like a no-brainer, but it certainly won’t hurt to make sure your passport hasn’t expired. If you don’t have a passport, you can pay a fee to have your passport expedited. Even if your cruise is in Alaska, you should still bring your passport, as it can be used as an additional form of identification. Once you’ve made all of the arrangements, compile your air travel information, driver’s license, vaccination records and travel itinerary in one place.

Pack Appropriately

If you’re going on a three-day cruise, it’s probably wise not to pack 20 pairs of sandals. For one thing, if you’re planning on flying to where you’re embarking from, airlines charge a pretty penny for overweight or extra baggage. Furthermore, cruise ships aren’t known for their overly-spacious cabins. Most are only about 200 square feet, so keep your packing light and minimal. Plus, you might want to leave room for any goodies you buy while exploring ports-of-call.

You might not be able to pack health insurance and take it with you on your cruise; however, travel medical insurance should be on your prep list, as it can keep you covered should you get sick or injured during the trip.

Get Some Cash

Many cruise ships charge extra for amenities like spa treatments, snacks or beverages. Even if your cruise is all-inclusive, it’s wise to carry some extra spending money with you for ports-of-call or any other extras you’d like to purchase while on board. Better yet, get your spending money in the form of traveler’s checks. Most banks will insure the amount in case they’re lost of stolen.

Don’t Forget the Dramamine

Cruise ships are often so large that you can barely feel the waves of the ocean lapping against the bow of your floating vacation resort. However, weather can get rough, which makes the seas choppy. Make sure you include your favorite motion-sickness remedy on your list of essentials. Speaking of which, make a list of essentials. Include everything you need, from your new bathing suit to your reading glasses to your floppy sun hat. Although some cruise ships have on-board stores, the selection can be fairly limited. Better to check items off your list than leave it in the hands of fate.

You’ve sorted out your paperwork, procured traveler’s checks, purchased your travel insurance and crossed off all the items on your list. What’s left? Why, relaxing by the pool and enjoying an amazing buffet, of course. Bon voyage!