The Daily Vanguard

Different Wardrobe Strokes For Different Clothing Folks

Wardrobes are a must have in a busy person’s life. They are not, as much, a place to store personal essentials as a window of assorted wares that start your day. Too many times the bedroom wardrobe becomes a catch-all for garments and accessories with the thought in mind that one day you will become organized. Before pulling everything out and trying to initiate a better system, consider the best solution for your lifestyle.

Sliding Wardrobes

Many homes have sliding wardrobes that take up an entire wall of a bedroom. There is usually a long shelf on the top for storage and a clothes rod that runs the length of the double sliding doors. This type of wardrobe is perfect for a person that has few dress clothes and shoes. A child’s bedroom or a single man can easily make this type of storage work quite well. However, by making a few changes to the interior then visit at,  space can become more prevalent and create a better view of all items.

First, an interior light that comes on when the door is slid open will present an overview of the selection. Second, a wooden boxed-in shelf, that runs parallel to one side of the wall, can hold footwear that is easily seen. Lastly, use plastic bins for the top shelf that can hold out-of-season clothing, sportswear, or important papers.

Built In Wardrobes

Built in wardrobes give a bedroom a clean, custom look when professionally installed. Perhaps you have an older home with a tiny storage space that looks more like a utility closet than a wardrobe. Before trying to stuff all of your clothes into this area, call a designer that is dedicated to creating the right wardrobe with the space allowed. By looking at different specifications and how your room will appear, there is no question that built in wardrobes are the way to go. Here are many unique ways that a large wardrobe can be incorporated into a room while staying within the structure and design.

Walk-In Wardrobes

Many of the newer homes come complete with walk-in wardrobes in the master bedroom. For a couple, this is the ultimate way to share a room. One area can be designated to the individual with many types of clothing, shoes, and accessories, while another area can belong to another person that has less. Perhaps both individuals have many items. This is never a problem with walk-in wardrobes. As long as the space is available, rods, shelves, and drawers can be designed and placed for each individual need. Extra amenities, such as a make-up table or a dressing mirror can be conveniently located, but away from the hustle and bustle of dressing.

Regardless of what type of wardrobe you have to start with, changes can always be made. Think of how your clothes are stored right now and how much nicer and systematic they could be. Always give yourself plenty of room for hanging clothes so they stay clean and crisp, and pay particular attention to lighting that offers a good view of your wardrobe. Visit at   for more detail.